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Could cellulose added to food be the very worst thing that people are eating?

Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by Michael Coutts, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    My guess is that likely cellulose is the worst non-food going.

    What does this have to do with John Sarno?

    I have successfully treated a massive range of psychosomatic symptoms for the past five years completely thanks to John Sarno's books.

    I have overcome migraines, agonizing pain all over my body, and a huge range of food intolerances with horrible symptoms included.

    Anyways, I can eat whatever I want now and no longer have any bad reactions with any foods.

    I can now eat wheat, chickpeas, spuds, non-organic foods, ramen noodles, fast food cheeseburgers and fries, buffets at community functions, pizza, store milk, etc without any symptoms (Thank you Dr, Sarno)

    In the past, I would be ill for days from any of these foods.

    Anyways, the reality of what me and my family predominately eats is the food (milk, meat, eggs, veggies, fruit) that we grow on our organic farm, and our own breads from grain that we grind, and some organic meats and and butters and oils that we don't grow.

    Even though we have eaten this way for many years, I was still suffering horrendous symptoms while eating this way before using Sarno's methods.

    Anyways, I had understandably come to the conclusion that symptoms from food are all psychosomatic as I, (and many others I'm sure using Sarno's methods) have stopped getting ill from food.

    My family rarely eats cellulose because we don't eat packaged foods and store dairy etc..

    It is in mountains of food, and is totally unregulated- food producers can add as much as they want to any processed foods.

    Its in yogurt, whipped cream, breads, jams, tv dinners, ketchup, vitamin pills, fake meats, sausages etc......

    A friend who's dog has plenty of health problems eats a certain type of popular dog food.

    We looked it up and saw that it contained 13 percent cellulose- which is predominately produced from pine wood chips.

    Shredded cheeses from the store can have 8 percent in it.

    Anyways, yes we know that it is more junk that is in food. What's the big news and what is the difference.

    The difference with cellulose is that it is pulverized wood.

    Human beings cannot digest wood.

    Termites and powderpost beetles can eat wood. Mushroom mycelium eats wood.

    Beavers and goats don't actually eat the wood- they eat the cambium layer and bark and twigs from trees.

    Wood is not food. Wood is for building, burning, turning into paper and boxes, growing as trees for fruit and air and beauty and pollen and greenery.

    If humans and animals could eat wood, then starvation would never have existed ever in the history of people.

    I have read of sawdust being added to bread during serious famines just so there was literally enough bread to go around.

    I have read of starving people eating cambium layers of trees or making needle teas or chewing on sticks because they were starving and a sensation of food was given.

    And here, today, human beings are buying and eating incredible amounts of the stuff.

    If cellulose in cheese is at 8% in some cheeses, then you're eating about a pound of wood for every 9 pounds of cheese (one pound of cellulose is produced from 1.2 pounds of wood, or something like that).

    If this food additive (that manufacturers can add as much as they want to to any foods) is in all sorts of foods, then it is not unreasonable that there are folks who might eat several pounds each week of refined pine wood!

    Anybody who farms or gardens (we have a family farm- Monkey in the Garden in the Nicola Valley, BC) knows that wood chips can create major problems when added to the soil.

    They lock up nutrients and mess up the crops and can throw the soil into an imbalanced state.

    Wood chips are best innoculated with mushroom mycelium to grow a mushroom crop, or mixed with manure (this happens naturally when used in cow stalls and chicken coops), and either composted or used as a top dressing.

    Anyways, what I am trying to say, is that wood chips, where cellulose is produced from, and is in the public food supply is likely screwing people up in a big way.

    Talking to your brain and using Sarno's incredible methods may not work on things that are actually poisoning people.

    Wood cellulose is not a food and people are eating a lot of it. It is likely worse than any other additive or spray that ends up in folks' foods- because it is used liberally and starves people and is completely indigestible to but few creatures on earth.

    Anyways, this is just completely my opinion and if folks want to do their own research- go ahead.

    There is plenty of spin on the net that makes cellulose sound like the thing that everybody needs to sprinkle on their food, but we need to read between the lines.

    Obviously, your best bet with using John Sarno's methods is to also try to eat good food that you prepare yourself from food - meat, veggies, fruits, eggs, beans, grains, herbs, cheeses, milk, breads- eat what you want if it is really food grown by humans on earth.
  2. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    By pointing out the likely worst food of the past 100 years I am in no way trying to condition folks to experience bad symptoms if they happen to eat cellulose.

    Cellulose has been allowed in a big way into the food supply. It is generally recognized as safe and has been being eaten since before the FDA was created!

    If you eat some cellulose laden food when you're out and about I wouldn't worry about it.

    However, if you are at the store filling your grocery cart with the stuff every week because it is in the foods you purchase I would beware.

    You see, one of the biggest consumers of wood and cellulose is mushrooms- as in yeasts and funguses.

    Could regular consumption of wood cellulose becomes something of a breeding ground in a person's body for yeasts and funguses?

    Human beings lack the necessary enzymes to digest cellulose. Could we be inviting in other pesties into our bodies to feed on this garbage?

    Wood also swells and absorbs, especially the more finely that it is ground.

    If you have ever seen a bag of wood pellets (for pellet stoves or animal bedding) get wet, then you see that they expand in a big way.

    If people are regularly eating this stuff, then it is expanding in their bellies in a big way- while at the same time starving them! Wood cellulose also locks up all sorts of nutrients in its breakdown- which further would rob our bodies of minerals while we keep buying boatloads of expensive vitamins and minerals!

    Almost hilariously, is that most pills and capsules (especially if for vegans and vegetarians) have a bunch of cellulose in them! I wouldn't be surprised if these vitamins and minerals therefor become totally useless since the very composition of the pill ties everything up!

    Do most vitamins and supplements have a placebo effect anyways? Probably.

    Anyways, keep reading Sarno's books and talking to your brain about everything that enrages you! This is most important.

    And maybe phase out the cellulose and demand that food adulterers stop putting it into the food supply!
  3. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    How does this sound for a sausage recipe- either vegan or real meat.

    9 semi-loads of ground meat or fake meat

    1 semi load of pine cellulose

    seasonings and spices and casings.

    I am sorry that should the cellulose industry ever collapse because society figures out that it might be the biggest bunch of garbage in the food supply, that there would be lost jobs at the cellulose production plants.

    Fortunately, cellulose is good for paper and boxes and particle board and paper money and even, potentially, as a plastic bag alternative!

    Hopefully they just do that with it and stop shovelling it to poor unsuspecting folks with likely negative effects!

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