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Crohns disease

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Back2life23, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Back2life23

    Back2life23 New Member

    So having had various Tms issues throughout the years.. Crohns disease is the one I struggle with the most... I face 4 years ago it nearly killed. I strongly believe that crohns disease is of course made worse by stress. And mine was definitely brought about by stress and trauma... However crohns causing physical inflammation and sores in the intestines and bowel walls. I had me so bad that I couldn't eat and had to be tube fed to by pass my intestines. I now get bowel blockages from scar tissue that has built up over the years.. And I am on immunotherapy to dull down my immune system to control the inflammation. I know diet cam play a huge roll and I'm not 100% Convinced it is an immune system issue either... Does anyone have any other insight or opinion on crohns or ulcerative colitis? Any treated it as Tms?
  2. thomastakesfive

    thomastakesfive New Member


    I'm also very interested in this. Been searching the subject in the latest weeks.
    I'm not a doctor and you should do your own research, but I recently found this video on youtube from a person with UC that claims he made up his mind about it being caused by stress and made some big changes in his life. I haven't reached out to him yet to ask further questions but I found the video to be interesting. I don't know his full story yet, I just found the video, but he seems to also be onboard with the theories on stress and childhood trauma discussed by Garbor Maté. This bridges over pretty smooth with what Sarno writes about IMO.

    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    If you're willing to hear from someone with a different inflammatory condition, which is RA, I'm more than willing to state without hesitation that inflammation and the workings of the immune system are directly linked, and that this is a well-established scientific fact.

    The difficult truth is that if you engage the inflammatory response of your immune system too often with constant anxiety and stress, you will eventually suffer one of the many consequences of long-term inflammation.

    How to stop allowing your fearful primitive brain keep you in a state of stress and anxiety is, of course, the million-dollar question. And the reason for this forum!

    Check out this thread that @thomastakesfive started this week:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/autoimmune-diseases-sarno-and-garbor-mat%C3%A9.27614/ (Autoimmune diseases. Sarno and Garbor Maté)
  4. DIVI

    DIVI Newcomer

    How are you ? Just taking some news !

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