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Curious about if TMS is the same as stress related physical symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lilybluerose, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Lilybluerose

    Lilybluerose Peer Supporter

    I am going to try to word this the best as I can, to try to explain what I mean. Is TMS the same as physical symptoms caused by stress? I know stress can really mess you up, and cause physical symptoms. It caused my stomach lining to erode a few years ago, per findings on an endoscopy. This isnt the same as tms right, but maybe similar?

    My main symptoms are buzzing feet, sometimes one, sometimes both, sometimes in my leg. It feels like a cell phone going off on vibrate inside my foot every few seconds. It drives me crazy, and makes me anxious and upset. Also sometimes tingling, and tingling in my hand as well.

    Ive had a multitude of other symptoms come and go but the buzzing is the one that is sticking around and it really upsets me. I guess its from a worry that they are "missing" MS or something. its just very unsettling.

    Ive had an mri and nerve study done. My pcp told me that he thinks all of my symptoms are from stress. I went through something VERY traumatic over the span of several years, during the pandemic. Now I am left alone, caring for children alone, and its just very stressful.

    I am wondering if this is TMS because I do have tons of repressed emotions, memory lapses, and also if stress can cause physical symptoms which I know they can, but is that the same as TMS?

    I have issues with my thyroid as well, and I feel like I have hormonal issues as well, so I never am sure what is all happening. I know to do the work and see what it helps, and I am gonna start journal speak today. I utilized this and somatic work to really really help dizziness, which used to be my main symptom that caused me stress. So Im hoping to do the same here. I think the difference is this being new. The dizziness I had for YEARS so I wasn't worried it was progressive or going to disable me in some way.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Don't overthink it. It's all connected. The brain is in charge of all physical processes and sensations. Period.

    I know that everybody wants things to be very black and white and in clearly-defined and controllable little boxes that can be accessed differently depending on what you think you need. This is the belief and desire of your fearful TMS brain mechanism so that you stay stuck. And I'm sorry, but the truth is that it's actually all very squishy.

    Again: the many permutations of the mind and the body are all related. Every manifestation is part of the same mental and emotional process.

    The way to get past this is to relax and accept. Stop analyzing and start going deeper to feel.
    lili2002, BruceMC and Cactusflower like this.

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