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day 1- feeling of hope?

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by okaoka, Feb 6, 2025.

  1. okaoka

    okaoka Peer Supporter

    hello all, i been a member of the forum for some time. most of the time i am reading success stories or posts that i search for that have similar symptoms to mine. i am not new to the concept of tms. i tried working on my emotions many times in my life by talking to psychologists and trying things like mediation etc.
    i also tried another program by dr david hanscom that i haven't finish.
    i guess everytime i feel better i don't want to remind myself of the issue and just try to live with it.
    untill now i am not sure what is the right way to face TMS symptoms. some people say you should confront it by journaling and use other technics and some people says its better just to accept the symptoms and go on with your life. i guess the truth is some way in the middle, should do the work but not make it a new obsession. so maybe this program is a good way to do it.
    i thought of getting into my symptoms but then i thought its not serving the purpose and if anyone want to know can look at my other posts.
    i still have doubts about my symptoms and if its TMS but i know that when i worry about other things that are not my symptoms then my symptoms are less bothering.
    anyway thats about it for now.
    thanks everyone is this forum for reading, commenting and for all of the support and knowledge.
    i hope one day i can be confident enough about my TMS and how to deal with it to be able to help other people and support them too here.
  2. okaoka

    okaoka Peer Supporter

    by the way, i watched the video of dr sarno. there is one part that they show his lecture to the people. he is saying there are 3 things you should do to heal. one of them was to know you don't have a structural problem, then the video move to another frame. anyone knows what was the other 2 principles he was teaching?
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Baseball65 is our resident expert on all things Dr Sarno - maybe he can answer this question?

    Mind you, Nicole Sachs worked side by side with Dr Sarno before going into practice, and the three things she says are:
    1. Believe
    2. Do the work
    3. Practice kindness and patience for yourself.

    In fact, regarding #3, here is a simple exercise you might try:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/try-this.29183/ (Try this!)
    I have said it's simple, which is absolutely true. I think it might be hard for people to do, however. I'm not even sure I'm ready to do it myself. I will be interested in your reaction to it, @okaoka!

    This is an excellent approach and I'm happy to see this new outlook! One day at a time. Let it "sink in" as we say. We are here to support you as you change your mindset and the way you approach your journey!
  4. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think I saw that same video last year during a couple day relapse. Looks like it was made in the eighties or early nineties? I also noticed his lack of mentioning 2 and 3 . His style evolved over time... I would submit his Last thoughts on the subject were the best . That video was sort of early

    Well, the 'Big 3' used to be 'the three R's'

    Refute the diagnosis
    Re-educate yourself
    Return to full physical activity

    Most people come here thinking something is wrong with them. There isn't. So we have to let go of that belief that there is anything wrong with us.

    Then, read, read, read and read some more...and write and then read what you wrote and put it in context of what you have learned.

    ...and then after a few days have passed you're gonna start going back to how you were...not when you thought anything was wrong with you, but how you were at the top of your game before you believed all of the crap about 'being careful'. You take what you learned in all of that reading and put it to work in the real world.

    I like what Sarno said in the end of 'Mindbody Prescription'...think about this as a battle between you and the TMS. Every time it tells you you are hurt, you lash out art it, by calling it a liar. When we feel pain and are focused on it, turn your mind to a recurrent source of rage or anxiety....and when we return to FULL activity, which we will...... if it tries to tell you there is something wrong by giving you pain? Say "Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit" three times and click your heels....and keep doing that activity....and the TMS goes away.

    It might sound easy as I type a paragraph, but for each one of us it is an adventure, scary and lonely, but we can only assure you that it works and you will be pain free. Guaranteed
  5. okaoka

    okaoka Peer Supporter

    thank you for the comment, i will try to follow
  6. okaoka

    okaoka Peer Supporter

    I trying to think or to feel anger towards my parents or my brother but I don't feel it real anger. I thought about something else about my parents. When I was a child I wanted my mother attention and sometimes I did not get enough. not because she was not good mother or was neglecting me, actually the opposite, my parents had a lot of awareness about education and they went to this kind of new education seminars with those new ideas.
    so actually my mother sometimes was distant because she wanted me to be independent (but i guess also her personality played a role).
    I remember that at a young age I wanted to sleep with my parents at the same bed and I thought my parents promised me that on the weekend or something I could. but then when I asked my mother told me that I am not a young kid anymore (i think i was about 6 not sure).
    I read that TMS is also about separation and things like that.
    mainly I feel my TMS is fear. I hope it make sense.
  7. okaoka

    okaoka Peer Supporter

    i think also feeling of not being good enough also played a role. when i was a kid I toke some test before primary school and I got good results, like almost a genius or something.
    i don't know how accurate was this test buy anyway, that gave a lot of expectations from my parents, specially my mother, and I didn't fulfill those at school as I were not a good student. so i felt the disappointment from my parents, although they did not say it but I felt it.
    but from the other side, my parents always encourage me to do what I want, study what I want etc.

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