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Day 1 My history

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Vindawg, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. Vindawg

    Vindawg New Member

    I had originally written out my insanely long journey with TMS and the discovery of the work of Dr. Sarno and this forum and the Curable app. It is too long of a story but if interested I can personally send it. I really wrote it out for myself but seeing the length it would be really impossible for anyone to read all of it.

    TMS Symptoms arguable began in childhood.

    Here is what I have gone through so far.
    Some of these are chronic inflammatory conditions that are often debated whether or not they are TMS. Dr. Sarno would call them TMS equivalents.

    Interesting to see the inciting incidents and ways the body is sending loud messages.

    - OCD
    - Major depression
    - Tinnitus
    - Lower, mid, and upper pain in spine.
    - Strange sensations that are often accompanied by frightening mental images.
    - Pelvic floor pain / prostatitis
    - Myalgias
    - Knee pain
    - Ankle pain
    -Chronic fatigue
    - Movement disorders
    - Hip pain
    - Asthma/ allergies
    - Formication
    - Paresthesias
    - Nocebo effect to every medication
    - IBS/IBD symptoms yet to be diagnosed - Current
    - Ocular rosacea - Current

    A ton of worrying. I have all the personality traits of a TMSer.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023

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