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Day 1

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by xeleste, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. xeleste

    xeleste New Member

    This is my first day on the journey to recovery. A little bit about me:

    I have had lifelong issues that were always dismissed as “being sensitive to my body” which I now know it meant central sensitization. I would have stomach aches, IBS, headaches, joint paint and swelling, nausea, TMJ and all sorts of things since childhood. I also have an eating disorder, anxiety, depression, and ptsd. I know for a fact that my issues stem from childhood trauma and unprocessed emotions resulted from abuse. It wasn’t until recently that I freed myself from my abusers but in a very traumatic way (I’m talking nightmares and crying in my sleep for months) then the pandemic hit and I had to move in with my husbands family and it was an overall stressful time. Since then I have been struggling with all sorts of neurological issues, vulvodynia, face pain, burning all over my body (allodynia), increased heart rate, and horrible buzzing feelings.

    I have read through some of the success stories and I am confident that I can recover too. I’m so happy to be here and finally feel hopeful.

    Brian89 likes this.

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