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Day 1

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by shadowson, Jun 22, 2024.

  1. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    I think I believe 95% in the TMS diagnosis.

    I know there’s nothing wrong with me physically after having all the scans and then the fact that my symptoms increase and decrease.

    Sometimes I can go a few days as a 2 out of 10 pain level.

    My shoulder injury is hard to 100% believe because I’ve had it 6 years and it comes with weakness and massive cracking and clunking.

    Also the hayfever I don’t believe 100% is TMS.

    But my main symptom (there’s many) is the back/side pain that’s combined with neck pain and fatigue.

    I know that’s TMS.
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Woohoo, @shadowson! Look at you go on the SEP!!! dancea
    JanAtheCPA and shadowson like this.
  3. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Haha let’s see how I get on.
    Coincidentally I’ve had a back spasm this morning when I was picking up my son out of his cot. On the day we fly home. I hate holidays.
    Wish me luck!
  4. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Good luck! But you don’t need luck.

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