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Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Cburger214, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Cburger214

    Cburger214 New Member

    I am at a 95%. I have generally thought it's in my head but also recognize the physical manifestation of Harlequin syndrome.is likely an actual pinched nerve. But having a pinched nerve doesn't always equal pain, many with Harlequin don't mention pain in my readings. The doubts I have are bc I tried this a while back and still had the pain but I also am recognizing this could be worse when I'm under a lot of stress and not paying attention to my body's wants.

    I worry it is never going away and I'll be suffering the rest of my life. I won't get to play with my kids, I'll walk funny always and I'll be distracted by pain so much it becomes who I am.

    A life without TMZ would mean I am free to live. I can walk around and not limp, I can jump, scoot, hop, run, sprint. I can bend down and play with my toddler while holding my 7 month old.

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