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Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by jubig, Jan 1, 2025.

  1. jubig

    jubig Newcomer

    Trying to get to grips with issues i have been having around heart palpitations and bloating coupled with feelings of panic, dread, depression, Tinnitus and lack of energy.
    I have been to heart specialists, doctors, taken PPI's, had every blood test available and nothing has pointed to any issues.
    I have suffered from panic attacks on and off for years and put this down to a very frightening event when i was about 17 as all the issues seem to be born out of that event and connected some how.
    I feel its time to get to grips with the part my mind is playing in the physical and TMS makes a lot of sense,
    after reading about peoples experiences and mind set i saw a lot of myself in there stories but not the physical issues as they seem to be more pain related and mine although painful to me its not a point to where it hurts.
    But the mental part rings true, i always want to get things perfect, i give myself a hard time all the time, never able to truly relax, always worrying about something, try to keep everyone happy etc.
    JanAtheCPA and Baseball65 like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Welcome to the program and the forum, @jubig. It sounds like you've landed in the right place.

    Apart from disabling neck spasms and related headaches, which went away in 2011 when I discovered Dr Sarno, my lifelong issues have been more about dizziness, digestion, and anxiety. Benign heart palpitations are also on my list! Any of these can appear again under stress and mindlessness, but I've learned to manage them pretty quickly when that happens.

    As you do the work, don't discount the pressures imposed by current affairs, information overload, and social media. These pressures didn't exist or did not seem to have a role in Dr Sarno's time, and they aren't addressed in our programs, but they're a significant factor now.

    Keep us posted - we're here to support you!
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025
  3. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I had my first bout of palpitations when I was ~16 or ~17 years old. It was anxiety induced over monitoring bodily sensations which then led to a panic attack. I had palpitations on and off until just earlier this year when I began the TMS work and realized that it was just TMS, just stress hormones, and reassured myself that I was going to be fine - I was able to get over my health anxiety this way. They are definitely unpleasant but they do not scare me anymore.

    I recommend you check out Dr. Claire Weekes' book Hope and Help for Your Nerves. She does a wonderful job explaining the physiology behind these sensations in a soothing way - I cried when I read it.

    You will be okay.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. jubig

    jubig Newcomer

    Big thanks for sharing, and the kind words. It really helps to hear from people facing the same issues, and how you deal with them.
    I think you are right about social media and info overload it takes its toll.
    Wishing you all the best for 2025

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