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Day 15

Discussion in 'Alan Gordon TMS Recovery Program' started by rsiman, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. rsiman

    rsiman Peer Supporter

    Interesting TMS stuff... Often when I use the mouse in my right hand, my hand starts to hurt. Generally, I can use the mouse in my left hand, as much as I want. However, when my right hand has a flare up, my left hand also tends to get one, which doesn't make much sense.

    Back pain has stayed away luckily.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. Zandthee

    Zandthee New Member

    Any updates?
  3. rsiman

    rsiman Peer Supporter

    Sorry, I use the forum and the program sparingly. Often when I don't feel pain or at least not stressed over it or just too busy, I don't visit the forum or do the program. My right index finger has been hurting a lot recently from writing with a pencil of all things. So I'm back.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    LOL, @rsiman - I know you know better than this. The thing is, it's strange but true that it is actually more powerful and effective to reframe this message "out loud" - using the words, even if you know (or assume) that you (or anyone reading this) knows the truth about what you're experiencing.

    A reframing might read, for example:
    "My right index finger has been hurting a lot recently, supposedly from writing with a pencil, which is ridiculous and just goes to show how irrational, if not downright silly, our poor old primitive TMS brains can be!"
    rsiman and Ellen like this.
  5. rsiman

    rsiman Peer Supporter

    I will take your advice!

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