1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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  1. Mtnjac

    Mtnjac Newcomer

    There’s so much about which to be angry, I had a hard time narrowing it down to three. Same for sadness. I tell myself I am blessed because it’s true, but it is also true that I have anxiety, depression and pain. Day 2 was insightful, especially where asked what activities I like (or liked), when did I last do them, how do they make me feel, why I don’t do them and setting dates to resume. Other than the pain some cause, the other “why” surprised me. It’s fear. Fear of being too far away from home/safety should anxiety or pain come visiting. I have always loved driving, a new adventure, trips, etc. but have all but given them up, first due to being a long-term caregiver, and now because of myriad TMS induced symptoms that discourage me from doing what I only dream about doing. Don’t get me wrong, I function quite well, pushing through most things quietly, without complaint. I walk, meditate, and do a lot of the work. It’s slow healing from the horrors of my husband’s death. My childhood abandonment issues came back big time! The SEP should help.

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