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Day 26 with several new pains

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Livinginhope, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Livinginhope

    Livinginhope Peer Supporter

    I know that many folks have remarked about the addition of new pains along this journey, well, I now fit into that category as well. Feeling cocky about trying to re-introduce jogging to my walking routine, I awoke today with an odd pain in my left foot, almost unable to walk at all, pain in my right thigh and the usual pain in my right hip. I thought, wow, have I overdone something; am I being punished for trying to stray from the physical and think that it was in my mind, not my body. Is my mind trying to show me who the boss really is? I decided not to walk or jog today and to give myself a bit of rest as my body is not used to this, but it did get me wondering. Who is in control here? My mind or my body?
    srton likes this.
  2. sheltered

    sheltered Peer Supporter

    I had a similar experience. Right down to the left foot! My heal has started to provide a shot of pain every once in a while. I'm ignoring it best I can but it makes me think, really!?! How long does it take the mind/subconscious to learn the pain thing isn't working anymore? I guess there is no straight answer to that. It takes time and be patient. Do the psychological work for recovery and all will be resolved. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  3. Livinginhope

    Livinginhope Peer Supporter

    Thank you, S. I wish that I could say that things have resolved from day 26, but now at day 40, I have even more and additional pain issues. So I have decided that I am one of those people who need some additional help and have opted to start working with a TMS therapist. I start tomorrow and am hoping that things will become clearer. The one good thing is that I am not judging this experience as a win or a loss; it is simply an experience to grow and learn. That is a big step for me as I tend to be rather hard on myself and when I make an effort, I want the intended result. I also practice guided imagery, which has its focus on the present, not the past, which is over and not the future, which you don't own. Some of this mind set may be the opposite of TMS and some merges with it. So my thought at this juncture is that I am taking the aspects of this program that work and the parts that don't, I am leaving behind. If that is what I have learned from SEP, it is not half bad.

    I encourage all to do what you can to be kind to yourself and not compare miracle cures of others as somehow defining that you are less than. You are exactly who you should be at any given moment and to be able to celebrate that, is a gift.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
    srton and plum like this.
  4. sheltered

    sheltered Peer Supporter

    Good luck Livinginhope. I wish you success soon in your recovery.
  5. Livinginhope

    Livinginhope Peer Supporter

    Thank you. I send the same good wishes to you.
  6. srton

    srton Well known member

    Fight on @Livinginhope im proud of you for seeking the help of a therapist - I see one too and I'm still working the program and still convinced that we will be able to get through this.
    I felt and feel all the things you've said in this post. Good luck and please let us know how you're doing!!!!
  7. Livinginhope

    Livinginhope Peer Supporter

    Thank you srton. Your encouragement means a lot. I do have to say that something pretty amazing happened today. I was looking at the video of Alan Gordon talking to a woman with 20 years of neck pain. I sat there and pretended that it was me, only it was my knee, even though I have several other pain sites. My knee pain is relatively new, so thought I would work on that site. It hurts primarily when I walk downstairs. Anyway, I walked upstairs and then came downstairs and didn't realize it until I got down to the bottom of the steps that I didn't feel any pain. I was stunned. I am a bit nervous to mention this out loud for fear that it will go away, but what Alan said really resonated with me. If you haven't looked at this, it might be worth it. He really talked about the fear, which I know is not new, but somehow hearing from Alan's soothing voice was just what I needed today.
    Hope you have some magic moments as well.
  8. srton

    srton Well known member

    @Livinginhope thanks for suggesting this video!
    Hoping that things are going well for you.
  9. Livinginhope

    Livinginhope Peer Supporter

    Dear srton:
    For me, I am finding that Alan Gordon's new program is extremely helpful. Perhaps I just need to hear someone as opposed to sitting with my journal. It is also interesting that TMS has many similarities to chronic Lyme; multiple issues that wax and wane, pain and anxiety etc. I am now making many connections between the two and finding it fascinating how much they overlap.
    If you have brushed up against the chronic Lyme community, you may want to see if this helps for you.

    Hope you are finding some answers along your journey or at the very least, able to find some better questions.

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