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Day 3

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by timmyg37, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. timmyg37

    timmyg37 Newcomer

    I started the program a couple of days ago. For a number of reasons, I have completely accepted the diagnosis of TMS. Today's question is about exercise. I exercise every day; I walk for about 30-45 minutes. Usually, I feel pretty good afterward, both physically and emotionally. However, I am not exercising the way I did before I started feeling symptoms. I was participating in sprint triathlons, and I was running, biking, and swimming - each activity twice a week. I know the reason I am not doing those things now is fear of reinjury, even though I know there is nothing structurally wrong with my body. Hopefully, this program will help me confront and overcome that fear.
    Edgerton and Ruth65 like this.
  2. Ruth65

    Ruth65 Newcomer

    Hi @timmyg37

    I am also pretty new to the program and feel the same way as you about exercising. You sound like you are in MUCH better shape than I am, though, but ultimately, it's the fear of hurting myself that keeps me from doing the things at the gym that I did before my pain began. Ultimately, it sounds like you are on the right track, so congratulations for that!

    Just keep plugging away and we'll all get there in the end!

    Take care,

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