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Day 4: Doctors deceptions

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by cookieheals, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. cookieheals

    cookieheals Well known member

    Even though my toe is much better, and honestly never hurts, I still worry about it a lot during and after physical activity. There is no pain but I'm still worrying that there might be etc. One doctor certified in the U.S Canada and Australia said that he had never seen someone with my toe get better, and another said that my seimoid was 'polvarized'. I think their words are still with me and continue the worry, even though I am better. For my knee, I was told something about needing to sgtrengthen my muscles and that I was developing early athritis and would need to do PT for the rest of my life. One doctor even said I needed to get flat foot surgery because he thought my knee hurt because of overpronation (although not everyone who overpronates hurts in their knee- I mean how does that even make sense? If overpronation hurt the knee then it MUST be that everyone who overpronates has their knee hurt.
    Idearealist and Hedger like this.
  2. Hedger

    Hedger Well known member

    I overpronates. When I tried out running shoes they filmed this and said I should have running shoes with support for this. I don't have any knee pain...
  3. cookieheals

    cookieheals Well known member

    Thanks for sharing Hedger
  4. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    "You will never return to your job as a manual laborer" said the team doctor of the New York Knicks to me.

    22 years later, still swinging a hammer with no restrictions....with all of my alleged 'anomalies' still in place (tiled hips, congenital fusion, degenerated discs,ert,etc,etc.....oh yeah. My shoulder. My knee. All torn and shredded. Playing Baseball tomorrow morning.

    ..and the knicks haven't won a championship in '73
    If that isn't Malpractice, I don't know what is.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  5. Balsa11

    Balsa11 Well known member

    I was born with flat feet, orthotics helped me grow a bit of an arch, but surgery? That's bs.
    XenFlow likes this.
  6. cookieheals

    cookieheals Well known member

    Baseball65, my favorite no nonsense TMS recovery story- did you say your knee was torn and shredded and you are without pain?
  7. cookieheals

    cookieheals Well known member

    Yeah- it’s shocking the things that supposed qualified professionals say
  8. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes. And I work on them every day without knee pads.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  9. Balsa11

    Balsa11 Well known member

    Hmm they should be healed by now?
  10. cookieheals

    cookieheals Well known member

    oh wow. thanks for sharing
  11. XenFlow

    XenFlow Newcomer

    This was exactly me as well, my parents were told I wouldn't be able to do sports or have balance. One doc suggested surgery, no way. Plus as a kid I'd have been in a cast for an extended period to do one foot at a time. After doing sports that require balance for years, I learned what the one doctor told my parents. Still no issues to this day and not expecting any.
    JanAtheCPA and Baseball65 like this.
  12. cookieheals

    cookieheals Well known member

    Oh wow- thanks for sharing!

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