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Day 4--Icing on the Cake/Distressing Messages

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Liz Ocean, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. Liz Ocean

    Liz Ocean Newcomer

    I think the most distressing messages I've gotten from doctors, etc., about this is that is WAS all in my head, but in a dismissive sense like 1) just change/stop and 2) there's nothing anyone can help you with/you sort of suck. It was and is in my mind and body and history (trauma) and culture and I needed better help, which I fought hard to find and find again and which I now offer in my work. I think the TMS program, for me, is like icing on that cake.

    I had too much trauma for this program to work for me without the deeper "cake" of trauma healing. Now, I get to ice that cake, focusing on physical pain and pleasure, with this program and you all.

    This back pain flare up wasn't a message of "you're still totally screwed by your trauma". It was a message of there's more--icing!--let's grow our capacity to enjoy it. <3

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