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Do i have TMS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Jonniefinds, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. Jonniefinds

    Jonniefinds Newcomer

    Hey everybody, i am new to this group, i am 36 years old and live in the Netherlands, my symptoms started 2 years ago after being in a toxic relationship, Muscle pain, tension and weakness, numbness is some body parts. Anxiety and more symptoms. A therapist found Epstein Barr Virus. My symptoms scare me a lot. I am afraid that i am different from the people that recover or have something more terrible then other people that recover thinking about the worst case scenario. Is this something that other people are experiencing in this group.
    I would love to hear about people that changed this mindset and anybody that has some advice how to deal with this and move forward would be really welcome.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, to "worst case scenario" -- that's called catastrophic thinking. If there is a 99% chance we are fine and a 1% chance we are not fine then those of us with Health Anxiety focus 100% on the 1%! (Can you imagine if everything else in our lives had such good odds in our favor?)
    It's our emotional fear parts of our brains that come from our deeper anxieties about life and various traumas big and small that we've experienced from day 1 of our lives to present. Fear of life, fear of death. And then the suppressed anger about things (big and small) that create the symptoms (TMS) to go along with our anxiety to keep us down. If it's tough place to be. The primitive part of our brain can be very powerful for some of us if we don't take control of it.

    Most humans aren't great with the fear of death but some people are better about suppressing those fears than others (us). But life is super short and we really should be able to LIVE while we are alive. I know that's easier said than done when we are in a big health anxiety moment.

    Take care. Live!
    ARCUser831 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  4. Jonniefinds

    Jonniefinds Newcomer

    @Booble Thank you so much for your encouragement, i will take your advice, i hope this castrophizing thoughts will disappear and
    My symptoms. i am still trying to find the believe it is TMS.
  5. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I don't think you have to believe if it's TMS or not. You just have to do the work to get out the hidden anger and go about your normal routine as if you are OK.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I think it is safe to say most of us have felt that way - that we are different and won’t recover, catastrophizing. A great podcast I’ve been listening to that’s helped me gain a solid understanding of the way our conditioned mindsets work as a barrier to our recovery is the Tell Me About Your Pain podcast with Dr. Alan Gordon. I find things sink in most when I listen to them, though the reading is important in understanding this all as well.

    If you’re just getting started, you may find a podcast helpful. The episodes are usually 20-30 minutes and they manage to keep it light-hearted despite the subject matter. I plan to listen to it on repeat until it all sinks in myself.

    to echo what @JanAtheCPA said above, the programs on here are a GREAT place to start. Best of luck.

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