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Day 4 Doctor says…

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Mtnjac, Mar 2, 2025.

  1. Mtnjac

    Mtnjac New Member

    Long ago, in ER one night of many, the doctor literally said it was all in my head. And that’s when the battle began between desperate, hurting me, and this man I suddenly hated. This was long before I had heard of TMS and the way he said it implied that I was fabricating my pain; likely crazy as a bedbug. A mental health counselor was called in to settle me down. That didn’t work because I was mad as hell, in pain and not crazy.
    This scenario is one I’ve never forgotten. Now when I’m compelled into ER, I’m outwardly calm, knowing that unless I’m having afibs as I have had the past, resulting in many visits, most likely my new pain is benign. Still, I’m conscious that I might not be believed, so I let them know up front, that I have health anxiety. I’m also humiliated when they review my online records. It all harkens back to the doc who told me the truth in an inappropriate way.
    JanAtheCPA and Baseball65 like this.
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Had a very similar experience. That E-room doc actually was the first one telling me the truth

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