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Does it have to be anger at a person?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Elwin Melite, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. Elwin Melite

    Elwin Melite New Member

    Hi all,

    The past few days I've been having some real struggles with cold sensations: hands and feet and sometimes all over.

    After doing some digging, I found that I have an intense anger at the weather, as irrational as that sounds.

    A couple of weeks ago, the months of constant cold weather went away and I had a few days of warm, comfortable, shorts weather. then the cold weather suddenly came back but I wasn't ready to accept it. I was frustrated that I had to put my layers of clothes on again.

    Obviously, if everything else in my life was going great and I didn't harbor any other anger, resentment over something like this wouldn't bother me that much would it?

    I feel anger over lack of control, of the weather and of my own life. All of this came after a series of personal and professional disappointments dealing with other people. It's all connected, right?

    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Probably! Get out your pen and some old notebook paper, set aside 20 minutes, and just start free-writing whatever comes into your head on these topics. Start with the weather, and as the other crap inserts itself into your thoughts, immediately write it down. You're going to throw the paper away, so don't worry about it being legible, don't proofread it, don't edit it, don't even think about what if somebody sees this? Because they won't. You just kind of vomit it out onto the paper. Nicole Sachs says that a minimum of 20 minutes is needed to really get at the truth of what you need to say out loud to yourself. She also says you can use a blank computer document that you don't save if you don't like to write. Nicole calls it JournalSpeak, I just call it writing shit down:p
    Elwin Melite likes this.
  3. Duggit

    Duggit Well known member

    I agree that it is probably all connected. The important thing, as I see it, is to examine exactly what the connection is. Regarding that, I think Sarno had some wisdom to offer in The Mindbody Prescription when he discussed some questions that patients often asked him. One of those questions was this: “I know I’m angry. I can feel it. In fact, I often show it. Why do I still have pain?” Here is part of Sarno’s answer:

    "Because the anger you know about and express is not the anger causing your pain. TMS is a response to anger-rage generated in the unconscious (in which case you are not aware of it), or conscious anger suppressed. TMS is not a response to conscious anger felt or expressed. . . . Finally, anger you are aware of may be what is known as displaced anger. That is, you become overly angry at something relatively unimportant, like a traffic tie-up or poor service in a restaurant, instead of at your spouse or a parent, because the latter is simply not allowed by your psyche. This is very common among my patients.”
    Is your anger about the weather maybe displaced anger? Stated differently, is that anger maybe a Freudian defense mechanism to cover up personal relationship anger that is simply not allowed by your psyche?
  4. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I find when it's things like weather if I do as Jan describes and "write shit down" then the deeper truth comes out.
    Usually some weird stuff from when I was little that is innocuous now but evidently was maddening to my little self.
    Elwin Melite and JanAtheCPA like this.

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