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Does TMS usually manifest in a body part you care about a lot?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by gettingbacktome, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. gettingbacktome

    gettingbacktome Newcomer

    For example, if you're a singer is it likely that TMS would manifest in something with your throat? If you really enjoy running is is likely it will manifest in your legs?
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    YES. The whole point is to be a distraction. If you are a runner? It will go after your feet or back...a Guitarist? Carpal Tunnel....andof course if your a vocalist, mystery laryngitis which is listed in Sarno's books a 'conversion symptom' meaning=same thing, different location.

    The TMS is trying to distract you from emotions...the better the distraction, the less likely you are to pay attention to them
    BruceMC likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hmmm. @gettingbacktome, this is the third time you've posted a similar question, and each one is focused on physical symptoms.

    The answer this time is that it depends on the individual, and on what kind of symptom is most likely to keep that individual in fear. Your unique brain is quite capable of figuring that out and creating the "perfect" symptom just for you to obsess and worry about.

    This is because all physical sensations and all physiological processes originate in the brain. This is a neuroscientific fact which you can look up. You can also do your own research on the connection between physical symptoms and inflammation, and from there the direct connection between stress and inflammation. It is being studied and being more widely recognized all the time.

    Here's my question for you: why these questions? Are you concerned that you have TMS? Why not just do the work and learn? It costs nothing (we have two free programs) and it is not any kind of medical or physical intervention. As long as you've been checked out and don't have any kind of obvious urgent medical need, then doing this work is a no-cost no-risk no-brainer.
  4. gettingbacktome

    gettingbacktome Newcomer

    do you think this is possible- ive always placed SO much importance and loved my hair (I know this sounds superficial, because it is). Then during a time of stress I thought what if my hair started to fall out, and then it ACTUALLY did, and it caused me to spiral and obsess and I haven't been able to heal because I've been obsessed with it coming out. Do you think that could be TMS?
  5. gettingbacktome

    gettingbacktome Newcomer

    Where are these free programs? I have been doing some work by watching TMS practitioners on YouTube but I feel like I still have tiny doubts in my brain that it is TMS (although I do believe it is TMS mostly), that are keeping me from healing...any advice?
  6. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Yes! I’m a writer and it has cramped up my hands. TMS goes for whatever will scare you the most.
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    You do need to read at least one book by John Sarno MD. His books are carried by many if not most public libraries in physical and virtual formats if you don't want to buy new or used. For you I recommend The Mindbody Prescription.

    Start doing The Structured Educational Program which you can find on our main site, which is tmswiki.org. There isn't any kind of signup or registration, you just do it on your own.

    Don't do more than one "Day" every day. Use extra time to finish your Sarno book, then look into other resources. If you have anxiety (and of course you do), the #1 best recommendation you will find anywhere is to read Hope and Help for Your Nerves, by Claire Weekes.

    Watch out for increased or new symptoms or even increased anxiety as you start to make progress - this means that your TMS brain is trying to make you stop, which is good news! Be kind to yourself if this happens, but remember that you need to fight back and keep going.

    Don't be hard on yourself, but you must be extremely honest when you are asked to start writing things down. Your brain will try to stop you, so don't be fooled by its tricks.

    Stop thinking physically and start thinking psychologically.

    Don't mention symptom details here on the forum again. This is for your own good! The Mindbody Prescription is all about assuring you that TMS takes many different forms. They are infinite, as it turns out. If you need to post about having symptoms, just figure out a general term like "my pain symptoms" or "my neuro symptoms".

    If you wonder if any particular symptom can be tms, all you need to do is go to Google and type in "[name of symptom] and stress". For example, the connection between hair loss and stress is extremely well known.

    If you have questions about doing the program, just ask. If your symptoms flare and you need reassurance, that's fine, as long as you concentrate on telling us about the emotional things you are discovering by doing the program, and do not provide any symptom details. I'm completely serious about that!

    Good luck!
    ValkyrKai likes this.
  8. ValkyrKai

    ValkyrKai Peer Supporter

    Jan’s right, and this is great advice. I’ve really been gaining a lot of insight from the structured education program. I actually love that you mentioned to Google your symptoms + stress. Of course it’s the one thing I never did. And all I ever got were structural causes.

    I would just like to add one thing to what Jan said that’s been really important for me, and I think is really important to keep in mind as you learn more about TMS, and that I’d simply: No pressure. The pressure we as humans tend to put on ourselves(especially those of us with TMS I’m learning) is such a hug cause of stress and can actually keep us from doing stuff that could help us. The more you can alleviate the pressure you put on yourself the easier time you will have with this stuff.

    Be kind to yourself as well as being honest with yourself.

    just today I’ve been trying to change the thought,”I need to journal today.” To “I think id feel better if I journal today.”
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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