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Does turning fear to faith in prayer relieve TMS symptoms?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jawarrior1, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. Jawarrior1

    Jawarrior1 Peer Supporter

    Hey guys.

    So I have been praying a whole lot more lately. I was about to journalspeak about something I am very fearful about. It felt like my entire life hinges on an acceptance letter for a scholarship. I setup my college and got everything put together. I just need this scholarship of which I have a high chance of getting.

    But what if I don't right? I was about to journal about it, Nicole Sachs style but wanted to pray about it as well. I prayed to God and during that prayer I felt a trust of God. My fears turned to faith. If God wills it for me to get this scholarship then I will get it. If not, there is another plan.

    Afterward I tried to journalspeak but instead of talking about my fears all I could see in my minds eye was a faith and trust in God. My fear was gone!

    My question to you is, does prayer like this help or prevent us from healing from TMS? Throughout the day I am at peace about my scholarship out of trust. But don't know if journal speaking on that specific topic has become null.

    Any resources would be appreciated. I really wish to know the answer because a lot of my general fears turn to faith.

    What do yall think about the effects of prayer on TMS and journaling? Help or hurt?
  2. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    In my case, prayer helps me to accept the outcome and to surrender to whatever comes my way. I don't think about the effects of prayer on TMS. It doesn't matter. I don't pray for something, to get something. I pray to give, not to get. For me, prayer is not a business transaction, I see it as a way to connect/communicate with Divine Mother. Or God, or other name you want to call it. It gives me peace.

    I'm not saying it's bad how you pray, no. Each person has a personal, intimate relationship with God. I just wrote my opinion on this.

    You can journal about x or y, see if it helps you and continue to pray for more strength and surrender. I have moments when I need to journal and it helps, but I also have moments when it does not help. I prefer to meditate, or pray or contemplate in nature and to keep my mind at peace in those moments. Not to dwell on the misery and negative stuff. But it depends on the moment.

    Take care.
    Ellen, Diana-M and Cap'n Spanky like this.
  3. Jawarrior1

    Jawarrior1 Peer Supporter

    Thank you. Would love more points of view. More replies invited :D
  4. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member


    I was pleasantly surprised to see your post! This morning, while praying, I just felt this overwhelming sense that I should stop trying so hard to heal and just let go and give it to God. It’s all about fear, ultimately and God can take that away. I felt he was telling me that!

    I have been doing a lot of journaling, journalspeak style, and it does focus somewhat on the fear and anger. I think it serves its purpose to get that stuff out. I have really uncovered a lot doing it. But I do believe if you have faith in God and he is speaking to your heart, that’s a great gift.

    My personal belief is that God made us, he knows everything about us and he can heal us and work all things together for our ultimate good, in this life and in the life to come.
    Sita and JanAtheCPA like this.
  5. PainNoMore

    PainNoMore Peer Supporter

    Philippians 4:6-7
    6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    so yes, God definitely wants to know about those things that are stressing you out. as i'm sure you know prayer is also for praise, thanksgiving, for others who may be in trouble
    Sita and Diana-M like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi there @Jawarrior1, good to see you again. Your experience sounds awesome, and as I often say here, it doesn't have to be an either-or situation. Write when that feels like what's needed, meditate if you like, or talk to God when that feels like the right thing to do. As far as I'm concerned, any form of mindfulness is beneficial to the nervous system and to the soul, and that's what we are ultimately seeking.
    Sita and Diana-M like this.
  7. NickBacarella

    NickBacarella Newcomer

    Personally speaking, I've found all TMS conditions to be rooted in belief: about ourselves, our bodies, our minds, our place in the world, etc. Fixing TMS is about fixing the beliefs that don't work for us and replacing them with beliefs that do. Prayer -- and religious faith in general -- is a system of belief, so why wouldn't it help? Sounds like a pretty good solution to me!

    I'd actually be very curious to see TMS rates in different demographic groups; my hunch is that the devoutly religious might suffer from TMS less often because they already have such strong belief that there is a higher power operating in their lives. Of course, that's just a hunch!
    Diana-M and JanAtheCPA like this.
  8. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think perhaps people with faith may have less TMS but people who are religious might suffer much more.
  9. Jawarrior1

    Jawarrior1 Peer Supporter

    I have to agree. John Sarno said the religious types tend to bury their emotions in the name of loving others as we love ourselves. They ignore their emotions to love others without thinking of themselves.

    But given a knowledge of TMS I think we should make known our inner most emotions to God and ask for forgiveness, mercy and repentance.

    What I mean is releasing your emotions instead of burying them. But it makes me wonder what a blend of Journalspeak and faith means.

    Its a topic I don't hear often.
  10. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I don't pray because I am an atheist however I understand the great appeal and relief in the statement, "Let go, Let God."
    I think that the reason prayer and letting go to a higher power works well for people like us is because we apply so much pressure on ourselves to control everything and that we must control it perfectly and if not we are bad or not doing our job or whatever. Being able to let go and not be the one "in charge" provides great relief.
    It's not unlike when in my journaling my autonomic system "told" me to stop trying to run the show and it was taking care of things for me and I was just getting in the way trying to micromanage my health like that.
    Not have to be in charge? Relief!
    Diana-M likes this.
  11. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Ain’t that the truth?!! I think our TMS brains just finally have to stop us in our tracks. A long time ago, I coined this phrase, “Say no, or your body will for you.” It’s sad I didn’t follow my own advice better! Now, I’m in al-anon and they have this saying, “let go, or be dragged.”
    Booble likes this.

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