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Dr. Hanscom’s approach to healing: add more fun

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Diana-M, Feb 1, 2025.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    About two weeks ago, I started the DOC (Direct your Own Care) app by Dr. Hanscom. It’s definitely based on the philosophy of creating new channels in your brain to circumvent the pain channels. He does ask you to journal whatever comes to mind twice a day, then tear it up and throw it away. He says this is proven scientifically to remove you from your thoughts and help give you relief. But the focus is on switching your brain from thinking about pain and how limited your life has become to opening it up to forgiveness, peace and fun. (More info here: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/when-i-dance-%E2%80%93-omega-2019.21506/ (Dr. Hanscom's Blog - When I Dance – Omega 2019) )

    I’m going to focus exclusively on this app for now and see where it takes me. I can say this: in the last two weeks, I’ve definitely had a lot more fun!
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
    BloodMoon, JanAtheCPA and feduccini like this.

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