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Dr Schubiner

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by HankC, Jun 20, 2024.

  1. HankC

    HankC New Member

    I consulted with him a year or so ago. I know he left Providence Hospital and is with a new service. I have no idea of the contact info for the new service. Anyone have that? Absent that, I'm in Michigan. Any recs for a doc who thinks like Schubiner? Goggling TMS doc gets me depression clinics which is not what I am looking for.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    BruceMC likes this.
  3. HankC

    HankC New Member

  4. Skylark7

    Skylark7 New Member

  5. louaci

    louaci New Member

    I remember my partner tried to see him last year but could not get a hold of him (we live in Michigan too). His symptoms were gone by reading Dr. Sarno's books and he eventually saw a doctor trained by Dr. Sarno in New Jersey (can't remember his name, Dr. G or something). Just to confirm his learning with dr. Sarno.
  6. louaci

    louaci New Member

    I also notice that for a lot of these therapists that actually work or are well aware of Dr. Sarno's working principles are not accepting insurance. I wonder if it is a trend. Has anybody noticed this?
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    There are several things going on here, I think (I'm not an expert, just based on observation and personal experience):

    1. The #1 reason might be the fact that dealing with insurance reimbursements is a royal pain in the ass. Solo practitioners who are not in a big medical organization must pay for a specialist just to do the insurance billings! Many solo practitioners have found that the demand for their services is great enough that they can make the same living, with far less aggravation, by only accepting self-pay clients.

    2. Within the US, insurance will not reimburse a practitioner who is not professionally licensed in the same state as the patient.

    3. And in the US, insurance will not reimburse a practitioner who does not have a professional state-issued license in their field, thus coaches are not covered.

    But I think that #1 is likely to be the primary reason.
    Ellen and TG957 like this.
  8. mbo

    mbo Well known member

    http://www.gwozdzmd.com/ (Paul Gwozdz, M.D.)
  9. louaci

    louaci New Member

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