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Dysregulated nervous system help

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Matt94, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    I got a nervous system that is very dysregulated so no matter what I do get one fight or flight a day and it destroys my tms healing of my ohysical chronic pain. So how do I deal with this? How do I stop the daily fight or flights so I can focus on bringing my body into a calm healing mode? I' doing meditation, deep slow breathing, yoga, human garage fascia(somatic stretching), eft tapping, walking in nature, getting enough sleep

    I have tried tons of other stuff as well.
    Any suggestions?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    My suggestion is to look at how you are doing these things. Are you attempting to use them to "fix" symptoms?
    Once again, "doing" a lot to "cure" the TMS is often counterproductive. It all comes down to mindset.
    Are you doing yoga because you enjoy it, and you like the feeling of the movement, or are you doing it to "treat" tms?
    What about the stretching, is this to "fix" something, or have you been regularly stretching as part of your lifestyle.
    Do you create inner pressure doing these things, feel you must, have to or "should" do them to "heal". This is why Dr. Sarno points out that we need to take our personality traits into consideration because they can contribute the creation of our inner stress.
    Doing more will not help you make shifts any faster because they are "doing" things and not attending to the psychological that Dr. Sarno points out - especially our inner rage (this is something in our subconscious and many people with TMS don't necessarily find themselves feeling very angry - until they allow themselves to feel more emotions!)
    When you are engaging in activities can you foster a feeling of gentleness towards yourself, and a sense of curiosity when doing them. Notice how you feel when you breathe slowly and deeply, and notice where in your body it feels good. When you do your yoga, can you simply relish in the slow movement from pose to pose and find some sort of curiosity in it eg. how slowly can you move, or how lightly can you feel doing them, can you imagine yourself doing the pose while hovering on a fluffy cloud...how does that feel in your body when you imagine these subtle differences. It's a way to begin having fun with doing these things and changing your mindset to one from a heavy intent to something that is just light and enjoyable.
    And if you find you are engaging in things you don't like, don't do them!
    Above all this takes time, but a lot of this time you will find that you learn about your inner landscape and how you operate. This is when you really begin to see the shifts, whatever they may be.
    Mike46 likes this.
  3. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    Very interesting cause I do have a strong intention of bringing my nervous system back to normal when doing everything I do. But I'm not sure this case is tms though
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hmmm. Okay @Matt94, how about this: ask yourself (and answer for yourself) these four questions:

    Are you doing all of these things out of kindness and compassion for yourself?

    Or, are you doing these things because you feel pressure to get better?

    Are you willing to allow as much time as it takes? No matter how long that might be?

    Or, do you have an idea of an amount of time in which you expect to feel better?
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Generally TMS is = to a dysregulated nervous system. Have you tried taking the PPD Association (PPD is another name for TMS) quiz? I think it's helpful for people who aren't quite sure what path to follow: https://ppdassociation.org/ppd-self-questionnaire (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association)
    If you prefer to discuss your symptoms as a dysregulated nervous system, then Tanner Murtaugh might really resonate with you. Right now he has one of my favorite youtube channels dealing with TMS. He's kind and caring but doesn't sugar coat what needs to be done and he often frames symptoms as a dysregulated nervous system. He offers guidance, advice and some really nice calming practices all for free! https://www.youtube.com/@painpsychotherapy
    Matt94 and PainNoMore like this.
  6. Mitocondria

    Mitocondria New Member

    I agree. You are in the ‘doing’ with the attention on your physicality.

    And this is a mind game. So much doing (even if they are practices that are in favor of health and calming the CNS) send the message to the brain that 'something is wrong'. In Sarno's latest book, towards the end, he explains it well: it's a mental game, not a physical one.
    Matt94 likes this.
  7. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    I'll answer you guys when I know for sure that my technique works. But I oracticed this and it's been doing complete wonders for me <3

    “Don't look for peace. Don't look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance. Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender” -Eckhart Tolle
    ValkyrKai, Diana-M and Ellen like this.
  8. PainNoMore

    PainNoMore Peer Supporter

    Tanner Murtaugh on youtube has several videos about the disregualted nervous system and what to do about it. check him out.
    Matt94 likes this.
  9. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    Could u tell me what he says in this video?
    My nervous system is so dysregulated that I can't even watch it.

    I thought the total acceptance surrender mode was gonna fix it, but it still happens.
    Mike46 likes this.
  10. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    I het what you're saying

    1. I'm doing those thing both out of self love and because I want desperately to heal so yes pressure. But actually not pressure today as I have been in total acceptance but even that didn't do it for more than 24h

    I struggle giving this as much time as it takes because it messes up both my nerve pain and my hair (losing hair) :/

    I definately have an idea of an amount of time, yes ..
  11. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    I did the quiz snd got 8 of 12. I could have gotten 10 of 12 if one more month had passed with mri picture and the one month needed for this to be 6 months or more with multiple sypmtoms

    Could you please tell me what he says. I'm not able to watch videos due to my nervous system dysregulation
  12. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    But regarding the nervous system I'm really not sure if that is tms. It happened as a concequence of wim hof breathwork
  13. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    9 out of 12*** not 8
    But idk, I'm not sure my nervous system is tms. Don't know how on earth I'm supposed to fix a tms nervous system
  14. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hi Matt
    TMS is a screwed up nervous system. A screwed up nervous system is TMS. They are the same. That’s how it shows up in your body. You keep coming up with great ideas for healing. Tried and true methods. They all TAKE TIME. You keep getting upset the healing isn’t happening faster. But it takes time. Stay the course!
    JanAtheCPA and Matt94 like this.
  15. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    And what exactly is the course? Just don't give it attention, self love, acceptance, patience?
  16. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Do this, what you said. Plus some kind of emotional self discovery through journaling, therapy or both. Read Sarno. Listen to podcasts and YouTube videos, like Dan Buglio. I think we told you some more stuff on another thread. I’d do the entire Structured Educational Program (SEP) on this wiki. Also, here are some thoughts I had a bit ago:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/3-months-in-what-i%E2%80%99ve-learned-on-this-wiki.28229/ (3 months in: What I’ve learned on this wiki)
    Matt94 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  17. C_Boxer

    C_Boxer Newcomer

    Imo, read Sarnos book and instead of pain read it as Nervous System.

    I have Disregulated Nervous System (Autonomic Nervous System). After reading Sarnos book it became more clear that's a big part of it.

    I feel better after reading the book, but still putting it into practice daily and started the Program here.
    Matt94 and JanAtheCPA like this.

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