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Easy come, easy go- a short success story

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by charcol, Oct 20, 2023.

  1. charcol

    charcol Peer Supporter


    Went to yin yoga class, which I do every week. I remember it as a slightly more intense class than usual, perhaps because I was feeling a little sore later. Low and behold, my right hip, groin, and glute started hurting by the very next day! I wasn’t able to walk without feeling some degree of pain, with certain movements causing me enough pain to verbalize an audible “ugh”. I also started having sciatica on the outer knee and ankle areas.

    Initially, I started taking precaution to avoid the pain- walking slower, taking shorter steps, and stretching a little- a common reaction, and trap.

    But I didn’t stay trapped for long- recognized it for the TMS it was. Trying to walk confidently into the pain, believing that doing so wouldn’t hurt me or set me back even further. And of course, pondering about what caused this in the first place.

    Hint- a social situation that was causing me a lot of stress. Saw it for what it was, released it and then…

    It was a bit of back and forth, but I overcame it. Today, 10/13/23, nine days later, the pain is completely gone. It was still there a little this morning, but as I write this, I sprung out of my chair and walked briskly across the room and back, trying to prove myself wrong, unable to feel anything, but…

    Empowered. Thank you, Dr. Sarno. Oh, life… :)
    To those of you currently struggling, you’re not alone. Stay strong!

    TMSer since 2012
    BloodMoon and JanAtheCPA like this.

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