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Erectile disfunction?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by KEANU4141, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. KEANU4141

    KEANU4141 New Member

    Sorry for all the questions and I appreciate everyone’s replies again but one more thing for now is has anyone experienced erectile disfunction from MBS??? I’m only 17 years old and it’s seems like it’s been happening for a while I don’t remember exactly when but at least a couple years I don’t remember if it was before or after the pelvic pain started just over 3 years ago but could and has anyone else experience this just because I really don’t think it would be anything physical since I’m only 17. It is obviously a bit annoying and can affect my relationship also
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    DrFoundin likes this.
  3. DrFoundin

    DrFoundin Newcomer

    Yes i do. More or less full blown PSSD like symptoms, even tho i never took a single pill of SSRI. Low libido, decreased size flaccid or erect, hard to get e. , hard to maintain e., seems like the shape of it like different (thinner in grith), decreased pleasure, decreased sensitivity, losing contact with that part, feeling disconnected from that part, decreased fluids in volume and quality, lesser and weaker nighttime and morning e. Brainfog, concentration problems, memory problems, etc... No point to continue.

    The thing is that, i rarely see this problem in MBS/TMS talks, even rarely in CFS channels, i think because of the "TABOO", so "we dont talk about things like that". Its too shameful to speak about it, and this is why only can read this topic PSSD forums, where they dont know about MBS/TMS, and they 100% sure this is a physical problem, completly reject the option that this is psychological, and where the negativity top notch. So, NEVER GO THERE. :D

    And there are the more or less random "miracule cure" PSSD healing things, so yes, that diagnosis, or name also seems to can improve, in completly random ways, so i kind of like 100% sure, PSSD is TMS/MBS, and just a fancy name of low libido, low pleasure, and any erectile disfunction etc...
    But usually as i read in tinnitus cures, pssd cures sometimes the same, lifestyle change, enjoy life again etc... and then pssd gone, tinnitus gone, etc... They dont talk about MBS perspective beacuse they dont know it...

    Sarno and Ozanich also wrote this in books, that ED/Libido can definetly be an MBS syndrome. (I think Schubiner also mention this in his book)
    If you read Jung, libido is a symbole of creating energy, general life energy, not just sex. So if your life energy gone or reduced (CFS/MBS/TMS symptom) because of big stressors, traumas, maladaptive functions, whatever reason, libido can go to zero. The mind body and soul is one organism, so if there is disturbance in any of them, the other have problems too. (But at 17 years the chance of organicity is close to zero, so i assume you are completly healthy).

    So i accepted this symptom (in my case severe, in your really mild if i understand correctly) next to my other symptoms, i just go with the flow, enjoyin the transformational ride of MBS/TMS, experience emotions, traumas, resturcturing my thinking, and gradually healing from MBS/TMS.

    CPP, or peliv pain imho, also MBS/TMS.

    I'll listen this 2 podcast.

    My suggestion, just go start do Schubiners unlearn your pain book, the 28 day program. Enjoy your life! danceadancea

    Best regards!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Good advice for you from the doctor (@DrFoundin) @KEANU4141!

    And yes, I've seen ED mentioned here over the twelve years I've been doing this, although for obvious reasons I let the guys talk amongst themselves. But yes, there is agreement among all that stress and ED go together, with or without other pelvic symptoms.

    To find discussions you could try using our keyword search (on erectile dysfunction). Limit the search to the Success Stories subforum, and in the results, choose the second tab for "our forum only". I don't really know what you'll find but it's worth a try.

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