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Everyone is talking about chronic lyme

Discussion in 'Research' started by Val, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. Val

    Val Newcomer

    Everyone is talking about chronic lyme, that it is TMS. But they are talking about treated acute lyme with ATB and the TMS after. But what is lyme was never diagnosed (negative test although the symptoms were clear) so never treated? In case immunity took care of it but after 12 years a real bunch of symptoms started? Tests are still negative but nobody can say for sure...
  2. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    I don't think it's TMS. I had an aunt who died from Lyme disease last year, after a long suffering in and out of hospitals. She was sixty something ears old.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    We can't address any form of supposed Lyme here, because 1) we aren't medical professionals, and 2) we are here only to promote healthier living via mindbody awareness.

    Mindbody awareness and emotional/psychological work can, in fact, improve the quality of life for every single human being alive right now, no matter what physical ailments or symptoms they are suffering from. It's well known in the medical community that emotionally healthy individuals with a constructive and proactive mindset towards their treatment and recovery will heal better and faster than those who give their power to others and maintain a negative mindset.

    If there is no treatment being offered for whatever you're experiencing, you legit have nothing to lose by engaging in the work we offer here. We have two completely free programs with no strings attached (no registration or sign-in, even), plus a wealth of resources on this forum and the main TMSWiki.org, plus a community of people willing to support you on your emotional journey to discover the psychological sources of at least some of your suffering.

    Does any of this speak to you?
    Clover and HealingMe like this.
  4. Val

    Val Newcomer

    Thank you a lot, I know you are not a doctor, but the problem is that not even doctors know to address it. And I did not go to Lyme professional because - 1. when I learned about existence of 3rd stage or chronic lyme, it was too late, 2. I was too scared of doctors after my experiences that I did not know who to believe, I had a feeling that what if the Lyme professional finds lyme in everyone, and 3. I did not want antibiotics, which are the only available and known treatment in my area.

    So I got tick in 2011 with all symptoms - tiredness, muscle and joint pain, I went to a doctor, my first blood was lost, my second blood they forgot to test it for lyme, then I changed the doctors and by the time I got to my 3rd test, they tested only IgM and it was negative, which I did not know that at that time they were supposed to test also IgG. Then the symptoms went away, and I forgot about it. I was also a blood donor and after some time I went to donate and they disregarded my blood becouse they found something there but at that time those tests were new and they did not know what it was. Today they say that these findings are found mostly in cases of pregnancy, autoimune disorders or lyme. There are other cases too but these are most often.

    Then in 2023 I was in a huge stress and got chickenpox, they went smoothly fortunatelly, 3 days od high fever and then only the pimples all over. After the sickness I went to the forest and got bitten by some fleas, it was in August. I did not put any attention to it. In November, I had some weird sickness, 1 day of higher fever and strong headache which seemed weird because I am not much a headacher, but I thought it was covid because my skin was very sensitive, it hurt in the shower. It took 3 days to fully recover.
    Then the stress coninued, and I had weird feelings - like I had blurry vision in the mornings which went away during the day, I had jaw stiffness when I went for any sport, and I had weird hypoglycemias but not when doing sport hungry, but after I ate and did light sport, I ate some glucosis and was fine. In the end of January 2024 I collapsed in the shower. It became weirdly - I stretched, got a huge pain into the left side of my belly, I had thoughts that what if my spleen cracked and I am bleeding inside (a month ago a friend died from internal bleeding due to other illness) and I just fainted. Doctors did all measurements and said I was fine. 3 days later I almost fainted again in the restaurant after light touristics. Since they found troponin in my blood, they admited me into the hospital for 11 days, but found nothing. They did all scans - beain, heart, lungs, veins, ears, but all was fine. I was fainting every single day since then. They did not do any bacteria tests or MRIs, just CTs and xRays and EEG.

    They sent me home and told me to seek the psychologist, which I did but he told me that this is not from psyche, that he has many patients who faint from psyche but this is not that case. We did some more tests - borrelia, helicobacter, but only basic elisa tests which were negative. There were only some antibodies but not active ones. I did not know what to do. I could not hold my head on the neck, my nech muscles went to the spasm, I started to have heart palpitations, could not eat, 2-3 hours panic attacks, nightmares, my legs vibtated and sometimes felt like dead, my hands vibrated, even the skin on my head vibrated, had strong tinnitus and felt like my brain was on fire - it was in pressure, had brain fog, swollen and painful lymph nodes, eye pain, sciatica, not all in once but like 2-3 symptoms at once and then they changed. I stopped fainting within 3 moths but I had strong vertigo almost all the time and blood pressure was low and also my heart went or too slow (47 beats per minute) or too fast (even 160 beats per minute - something like POTS). I was really scared. I started a physiotherapy, went for arm surgery, I did something like TMS approach although I had no idea about this think at those days (I just tried to ignore the symptoms and live my life), and I would say that I went from 0% to 10% up, but the symptoms would just move one to other and went stronger, I just adapted to them, until the panic attacks changed into constant anxiety. In July this year I learned about chronic lyme and everything fit, and I studied something about it and realized that I am so deeply in that even if it was a lyme, it is too late to get a course of antibiotics so I asked a herbalist to help. She gave me some herbal tinctures and I felt like I felt much worse after them - then I learned it could be herx. So after 2 weeks I added the full Buhner herbal protocol at high doses and colloidal silver. That 1st month was like a hell, at that time my dad passed away and I was taking care of funeral so that was a real stress back then, but in a month on the protocol suddelny, literally within few days I got from 10% to 80%, the anxiety disappered completely, the neck spasms went away, lymph nodes calmed, my vertigo vanished, eyes stopped hurting, brain fog disappeared, but my back nerves started to hurt horribly. I was also doing Dispenza, breathwork and my fyziotherapy. And yeah, I can work and sport again, I am just not pushing it too hard like before. And I started to do TRE. The only think that stayed is a mild stiffness of neck muscles (related to stress), strong back nerves pain and the tinnitus. It is I would say stuck in this state till today.

    Few days ago I found a video of Raelan Agle, then I discovered Dan Buglio and dr. Sarno, dr. Schubiner and Alan Gordon and I was even more impressed by their work. This vibrates with me much more than a lyme. Even though I think that maybe some lyme or a lyme-like infection started all of this, I had a weird rash, I had those swollen lymph nodes, even my temperature would rise a little some days, my brain sensed this danger of some bacterial attack in my body, but also maybe the silver and the herbs are doing the job with these infections but my nervous system was and is in such a high alert that the most of the symptoms might be caused by my brain only and TMS? TBH, I must say that after realizing this, my 80% moved to I would say 90%, I feel that this is working, therefore thank you very much for your link to the program, I am starting to do it :)

    I really do not know what works, whether the herbs or my mind-body work I am doing now, but I know that I can only benefit from it. I am just curious because as you may imagine - if my Lyme is only in my head, I would like to stop the herbs and move to mind approach only. But then the thought comes to my mind - what if its not in my head only? What if things get worse if I stop the herbs? And then I am in the same vicious circle again - you know what I am talking about. I do not know whether the herbs are only well working placebo, or whether they really are on the right spot and I should just continue eating them and doing this work as well...
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  5. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wonderful story of troubling symptoms, confusion, and 90% resolution. You're starting the important work to understand this as TMS, and I hope you continue. The difficulty as I understand it is "is this TMS or not?" As Jan said, the methods used will improve your life, and probably reduce symptoms no matter the cause. Since you've looked so long for a cause, it seems that to find a "cause" has become a habit, which is understandable since you're looking for solid ground and safety/relief. Looking for the correct cause, as I read your posts, is probably not helping you right now.

    I suggest you just go with what has worked. The herbs may cost you $ or troubles, but they're not likely to prevent a TMS approach. As you learn more about TMS, you may leave these behind. Or maybe you continue to take them. No pressure. The more you can relax and recognize the relief you're getting ---regardless of the cause of that relief, the more you are going to feel and get better, in my opinion. You're already a success story in your own life. Relax and enjoy!! And deepen your practice with TMS approach. If I'd been through what you have, I would assume my 90% better has been attained, permanently, and enjoy. Good luck!!!
    Ellen and Val like this.
  6. Val

    Val Newcomer

    Thank you very much Andy. Yes, from the beginning I tell myself I should stop searching for the answers, but it is a part of my personality. I remember several situations when I suffered from some problem and as soon as a doctor told me what it was, it disappeared... even some skin problems I had for 2-3 years, they fell of within 3 days after doctor told me what it was! As nobody ever told me what this is, I guess is the main reason why it is holding on me so long... I only have things that helped, but I still don't know whether it is placebo or if I hit the cause... that is so frustrating! But I am really doing my best to overcome this even if I am not sure what it is... as I am getting better, even if there are still pain and issues and huge fears, I do not give up. Thanks again!
  7. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    In essence what you're saying, and seeing is that the way you hold the need to find the perfect diagnosis or cure is part of the problem. It is participating in the TMS syndrome on its terms. I think your aim to break this habit is an understanding that, at its core, this habit is simply a "fear about the symptom." Dr Sarno told us that fear of symptoms are bigger distraction than the symptoms themselves. Brilliant to see that your habit of searching for answers is perhaps part of what maintains symptoms!
    Clover likes this.

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