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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Michael Coutts, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    Hello all,

    This post is going to address a bunch of special enraging situations that farmers, homesteaders, gardeners, and rural folks probably all experience at some time or another.

    Life on the farm for me is super great- and I love my life. My family farms in the beautiful Nicola Valley, BC, Canada where we grow fruits and vegetables and raise chickens, turkeys, goats, and cows. We sell our fresh produce and eggs and seeds and plants at our on farm market stand. We eat a super deluxe diet of all our own produce, meats and cheeses, and our home baked sourdough breads and desserts and homebrewed mead. We are our own bosses and work on our own schedules and enjoy the changing seasons (especially summer- with all the juicy ripe fruits and swimming in the river right out our back door!)

    I know that we are super fortunate and blessed to be living this life. I understand that it is very tricky for many folks in the world who desire this lifestyle to make their way there. I can only hope that all the would be farmers out there find their farms.....

    Aside from all of the wonderful idyllic pastoral happenings on a family farm- this life style definitely comes with its own mountains of shit- and not just the wonderful types that transform into compost and feeds our orchards and gardens.

    Prior to 2020 I was suffering from piles of terrible horrible life controlling symptoms- migraines, knee pain, elbow pain, neck pain and stiffness, tailbone pain, food intolerances, digestive disturbances- all sorts of nasty stuff that left me a total wreck wondering how the heck I could continue farming for the rest of my life.

    I finally of course discovered Sarno's books, read them front to back 20 times total, and have overcome all of my symptoms and more. I still have to do plenty of talking to my brain- life keeps throwing shit at you and doesn't stop- hopefully with plenty of good easy times in between.....

    Beyond the major common forms of buried rage that we unfortunate humans have to endure throughout our lives: abuse from parents, siblings, teachers, peers, authorities; also rage generators like dirty dishes in the sink, bills to pay, mean bosses, racism, rising prices and so and and so forth, there are plenty of extra things to talk to your brain about on the farm. So here is a list of a bunch off the top of my head.

    'Trouble, you can't fool me, I see you behind that tree'- this song about sums up much of life on a farm.

    THINGS THAT GENERATE BURIED RAGE IN OUR SUBCONSCIOUS THAT WE NEED TO TALK TO OUR BRAINS ABOUT- As in : tell your brain that you get it, these terrible things are going on in your life, and you're big and strong and you don't need terrible symptoms to distract you from them. You can handle this shit, and you don't need (current symptom) as a distraction. STOP THE PAIN BRAIN!

    Snow covering everything and needing shoveling or sweeping
    Frozen water buckets for your chickens, cows, goats, horses
    Frozen standpipe
    Having to dip into frozen rivers for livestock water
    Having to haul water great distances for your animals
    Slipping with buckets full of water and pouring it all over yourself in sub zero temperatures
    Broken plastic water buckets from your animals wrecking them
    Frozen water in your wellhouse
    Pump failure
    Frozen water in your taps
    Power out and no water anywhere
    Animals wrecking your barns
    Coop and barn doors not closing due to accumulated frozen bedding
    Predators getting into your barns and coops and killing your animals
    Sick animals
    Wounded animals
    Pain in the ass animals
    BILLY GOATS especially
    Violent Roosters
    roosters beating up hens
    pending chicken slaughter dates
    chickens eating eggs and dirtying up clean eggs
    wild birds eating your eggs
    dead batteries (for your truck or solar system)
    animals busting out of fences
    animals wrecking fences
    animals needing untangling from fences
    cleaning incubators
    cleaning chicken coops
    cleaning barns
    composting toilet systems
    hauling firewood, hay, grain
    dwindling piles of firewood, hay and grain
    price increases with firewood, hay and grain
    doing any and all chores when you have pain symptoms and there's nobody there to relieve you
    frozen eggs in winter
    frozen hands milking, gardening
    frozen soil mix for spring planting
    keeping a fire going in a greenhouse
    mediocre equipment, buildings and tools
    leaky barns and coops
    lack of carpentry, gardening, mechanic, cheese making, food preserving skills etcetera (as in, nobody passed them on to you and you have to learn through trial and error and books and internet sites)
    water restrictions
    dead seeds
    planting large plantings
    harvesting in less than ideal conditions
    having to put a price on your produce
    complaining customers
    bigger farms or stores that sell their produce way lower than yours and having to defend your prices and practices
    animals eating your crops
    mouse shit
    fruit tree deaths
    late frosts
    early frosts
    bad fruit harvests
    dumping spoiled produce
    animals that kick or butt
    delivering food
    setting up at farmer's markets (especially in bad weather and poor turnouts and when you would rather be at home on your beautiful farm)
    rejected and returned produce for big stores
    crop failures
    multi-generational living
    cramped homes
    lack of plumbing knowledge
    dusty hay
    mouldy hay
    flat tires
    cracked fingers
    cracked heels
    no holidays
    no tropical trips
    longing for friends (or in the busy season, longing for a break from all the friends who might not stop coming)
    hired help
    crooked contractors
    inferior produce
    too much produce
    produce so abundant that you're tripping over it everywhere and there's no clear counter space or time to deal with all so you work all day and night like a maniac preserving and picking and selling and sharing

    natural disasters that destroy your farm (like our farm 'Monkey in the Garden' that got trashed in the 2021 floods where we lost 175 fruit trees, huge gardens, animals, 5.2 acres land, well, wellhouse, shop, tools 7 coops and barns, greenhouses, food and more)

    laws that restrict you from selling everything you want to sell
    fear of future restrictive laws
    food buying trends
    On and on and on

    I'll stop here now because it is getting dark and I have trudge out 1/2 a kilometer through snow to feed our chickens, goats and cows, and smash the ice out of their water and lock them in so that cougars and bobcats don't tear them to shreds and keep the water dripping out of our taps to stop the water from freezing (as it did 5 days ago) and keep the fire burning so our house doesn't freeze up.

    And then I'll get to relax with my lovely wife and daughter, eat some dessert, play a board game, have a hot bath, drink some mead, enjoy a woodstove cooked meal, watch a flick, and cozy into our warm beds.

    So although I have plenty of things to talk to my brain about, life is super great and I wouldn't trade mine for anyone else's.

    Happy Healing!
  2. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    i don’t know whether to laugh or cry! Greatest farmer-rage list there ever was!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    What can I say, except Welcome to the Forum, @Michael Coutts!

    And I will immediately stop moaning about having to defrost my elderly neighbor's (more elderly than me) hummingbird feeders every few hours and get up early each day to put them out during the deep freeze last week :rolleyes:

    You're doing the work my friend, in more ways than one.
  4. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    Don't stop moaning (or at least talking to your brain) about defrosting these hummingbird feeders. It is totally enraging and in a perfect world we would be surrounded with costant blooming nectar loaded flowers for all of the hummingbirds and bees to enjoy while we just languish around in their company with our cup of tea always full and hot
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    I mean, constantly blooming flowers. Like Garden of Eden/ tropical botanical garden type niceness- don't all creatures deserve that? Oh well, we just have to struggle along....
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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