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Fermoral Hernis, pubis osteitis, instabilty Symphysis

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Kristina1987, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter


    Has anyone experiencing? These are my symptoms since 6 months. My Operation for the Hernia is in two weeks. But the pubic inflammation is very bad and nothing works. I can^t find something about pubic osteitis.

    Kind regard from Germany
  2. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    Sorry femoral hernia
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Do you have a history of TMS symptoms?
    Have you read a book by Dr. Sarno?
  4. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    Yes, you can see my history on my profile. since childhood and especially 6 years paralyzing isg pain with sciatica and knee pain. and Always very strong fears and obsessions and checking my symptoms. i have sarno lain, steve, as well as a book here i think of tgv? sometimes the isg still flares up and after that it was better after the tms work..but then all hell broke loose. I fall from symptom to symptom. they stay for several months. inflamed rib last year. then pubic bone and now also a hernia. my pubic bone has always caused problems. I was never good at contracting my adductors on exercises like ball between my legs in physio. there is an ehlers danlos in the room. this is not confirmed yet. I had a video meeting with Dr Nir Brosh. He says I'm a hybrid. Tms plus Structural. I also have kidney stones now. and cysts on the ovary. but the pubic bone inflammation for 4 months has prevented me from moving and working. like that isg 6 years. I can't find anything about the pubic bone though. I also have a twisted pelvis and crooked positions. they say it comes from that. tms has already convinced me of the opposite.
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I did Dr. Google your condition, and this diagnoses looks structural. There is the possibility, depending on the location of your femoral hernia, there could be other associated symptoms. However your operation should address it. How you might know? Location of symptoms.
    I would keep doing tms work during this time and also after the operation. See what happens.
    There is evidence that some forms of Ehlers danlos like symptoms and I have a friend who reversed her diagnosis.
    Consider opening the mind to the fact beyond being a “hybrid” - I too feel I am there, but at times more or changing symptoms arise and my anxiety doubled, I think to Gabor Matte who has seen incredible physical issues as TMS. Challenging our limiting beliefs is part of TMS work, it does not mean yours are wrong or untrue for you! It’s just an exploration of where our hearts truly lay, where we align I heart and mind, outside of what our anxious overthinking mind is saying.
    Ps I do not see your profile story?

    And I came back to tell you I resonate with you. Big hug. Will it help to constantly remind yourself you are not broken. You are not. The focus on small things like your adductors can tell our minds we are - try to refocus: what is important in my life? It can be hard when our mind is hyper focused.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
    Kristina1987 likes this.
  6. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

  7. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    I know the hernia is structural. but they say the pubic osteitis doesn't come from it. two different things. and she's out of therapy they say. shock wave, inject, physio. As soon as I tense my adductors or walk up stairs, I feel severe pain. Since 4 months. The problem is I also know this pain. but not in shape. the symphysis has always hurt badly with some movements. since I supposedly have a pelvic instability, they suspect Ehlers danlos. .today I spent the day in the emergency room again. I have colic somewhere in the flank. quite horrible. they find nothing. suspected kidney stone was not confirmed. the pain is excruciating and I can't take it anymore.
    I would like to thank you for the kind words. I feel more and more broken. I'm trying to link my story here. maybe you'll see them then.

    Thanks for the courage. he is almost gone. I can't find my strength anymore.

    Attached Files:

  8. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Dear Kristina:
    A few things stand out here and in your story you linked to “I work explicitly on hypochondria and fear” - these are simply other tms symptoms -same things as pain. I think you need to focus less on these. They may be creating so much self-pressure to heal. Be kind to yourself!
    You must stop so much thinking about things like adductors, pubis. Take these words away “I have pain in my legs”.. nothing specific. You must slowly steal power from these words and thoughts that obsess your mind. This is a victim mentality - the thought you can not heal yourself, that you are not worthy to heal yourself.
    Those are the things you work on: I am worthy to heal. What emotions does not feeling worthy bring in me. Can I allow myself to feel these emotions. Can I use my love of others and myself to conquer this fear?
    What in my life reinforces me (besides pain and symptoms) feeling this way; maybe past, maybe life stress now?
    I do not see you mention any emotions except desperation and fear. You almost only speak of the physical. All your books say: think psychological! That is not just to focus on this fear and health obsession; it is in all parts of your life.
    You must open your mind to be able to feel joy and love as much as your darkness and suffering.
    This talk helps me. Mindset - you my dear are stuck in the darkness, but there is so much light in this world. You can dig your way out.

    Sarno says this pain is benign! It will not cause you death, but not finding joy in life is not allowing you to live. It is hard to crawl back to the things you once loved, but fight for this! Moments in warm sunshine! A bird that sings! Your garden (?) or fashion (?), or studying a favorite subject, cooking a nice meal, going to a lovely cafe, playing music.. whatever it is, make yourself do this! Practice living again! Dan Bulglio is a great example of this but you must not just think it, it is not enough to just know it. You must feel all these things in your heart.


    this person in Berlin is SIRPA trained in tms: https://schmerztherapie-rothenbaum.de/ (Schmerztherapie am Rothenbaum – Praxis für spezielle Schmerztherapie)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
  9. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    Viele deiner Worte regen mich zum Nachdenken an. Im Allgemeinen spüre ich nur das Gefühl der Angst. Seit ich 6 war, behandelte ich sogar 6 Jahre lang nur Angstzustände. Natürlich war die Kindheit schwierig. Ich schaute viel auf mich selbst und weinte viele Tränen. aber die Angst und der Kreislauf des Schmerzes gingen weiter. Eine weitere Nacht in der Notaufnahme ergab keinen Grund für meine Nierenkolik. also behandle ich es wahrscheinlich als TMS. Das Schwierigste für mich ist die Hyper-Wachsamkeit, die Sie auch erwähnt haben. jeder Schritt, jede Bewegung, Angst vor Schmerzen und ein instabiles Gefühl. immer irgendwie eine neue OP wie jetzt der Leistenbruch. Ich bin von allem so müde und spüre einfach keine Fortschritte. Ich kenne Dan, ich schaue mir die Videos an. Ich habe Steve Ozanich immer und immer wieder gelesen. Manchmal denke ich, dass vielleicht alles falsch ist und es keine Lösung gibt. Ich schaue mir noch einmal an, was Sie uns geschickt haben und danke Ihnen für die Zeit, die Sie in die vielen Worte investiert haben. man fühlt sich weniger allein
  10. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Dear @Kristina1987
    I read your words. You keep returning only to the physical. Do you see this? Take the focus off of all your past ailments. They are done, finished.
    Please see you now focus on today. How you feel today.
    Do you do any tms work now, today?
    Journal, meditate or find ways to calm yourself.
    There is a way out, but it is up to you.
    Kristina1987 likes this.
  11. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    I don't seem to notice. so thanks for the hint. yes i did tms work (meditation) and went to fresh air. moves me despite fear. I know it's on me I don't quite know yet how to find the space between pain and fear in order to react in a new and calmer way. How did you manage to distance yourself from the physical?
  12. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I find distancing myself from the physical a challenge, like you do.
    However I tell myself, “I am ok! This is pain but it is harmless.” Sometimes 1 tell myself this 10 times in 5 minutes! But I do this gently “I know you are scared, it’s ok. I am ok. This is harmless. It is temporary”. Some days it harder than others. When I feel anxiety, I am now quite good at sensing it in the body. “This is anxiety, I know this will pass”. It may take hours or days, but it does pass”.
    Instead of “I can not” think “ today is hard, tomorrow may be better”. Read Steve O again, just parts of his book. Read his sitting in the chair, wife beating his legs and his 100% belief all his concerns are TMS. ALL. Read his Golfing story and how he desired to be normal and golf.
    Take heart in his story, be happy for his victory and see how you too can have this. See how he changed his mindset from being victim, to taking control but with love and kindness for himself.

    Go slow.

    watch the first video if you can understand the English. It is very important.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  13. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    Thank you for your answer.

    Today I went to a doctor to have special blood values like Borrelia etc measured again. based on my story he asked me hear of alan gordon before. he has dr Schubiner's workbook? I think completely translated and given me 30 days to do it. He was in the US because he asked himself why can I help some and for others it comes back immediately elsewhere. he said the pubic arthritis himself. he said it's even often that tms people say it's functional and with such and such movement and feels mechanical. and the high level of doubt i have because of ehlers danlos and because i feel so unstable is not new either. I'm really surprised. because I almost gave up the tms work. the fear and the compulsion to constantly check the symptoms are so exhausting for me. I catch myself crossing my legs to see how bad the pain is. he shoots back in I'm startled and scared. Are there any other ideas for the cycle of checking the symptoms? and not always looking for external confirmation?
    i saw the video. Is this Nicole sachs?
    I will work through the book. can't be a coincidence ;)
  14. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    ehlers danlos - you said you have no diagnosis.
    Put it from your mind.
    If it is not genetic, it is TMS -similar to fibromyalgia, and other “names” doctors give to “illness” that is unexplained. You are not a doctor. You must stop trying to give your problems names. That gives them power in your mind. I say “This Is TMS” when I think physically.
    It’s good news your Doctor is trying to learn more about tms. My suggestion is to do Dr. Schubiner’s work book slowly. Only a little bit each day.
    You can not heal yourself only by knowledge, you must do this with all your heart and your soul. It is very hard, so my advice is to do a little bit of your book, then meditate to self-kindness and self-love. Praise yourself for doing this hard work. Find some nice things in your day to also focus on.
    Take the pressure OFF of yourself right now for your thoughts. Be aware, but do not try to fight or change them. “Oh, I am afraid” or “this is anxiety”. You must accept you feel this way.
    You are resisting this feeling and trying to fix everything, and that does not work. I do this too, I understand.
    “What we resist, persists”.
    You must have faith your situation will change, do your work book, notice your mindset and meditate. Be patient.
  15. Kristina1987

    Kristina1987 Peer Supporter

    Excuse me. I must have worded it wrong. my english is not precise. ehlers danlos is a suspicion in the room. I'm supposed to have it genetically tested. I'm waiting for an appointment. but I think even if it is confirmed, the tms should do the work, right?
    I know what you mean. I'll do anything to fix it. As soon as I feel a little better for a few hours, for example, a knee swells. the fear rises. I will have to read your words more often because I have neglected or ignored patience and self-love. Thanks
  16. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Dorado can perhaps address ehlers danlos.

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