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Day 30 First yoga class back, feeling anxious

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Needel94, Feb 20, 2025.

  1. Needel94

    Needel94 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to check in because I’ll be attending a yoga class tonight, my first one in maybe nine months — and my first since I started this program and much of my pain dissipated.

    I’m feeling anxious because yoga had been a big trigger for me in the past. Everyone would always say “Go to yoga, it’ll be great for your neck and back.” Of course, it would always make it worse, as I would hyper focus on the physical.

    One thing I’m trying to remind myself is that I also avoided running, for years, because of my pain. And now I’m back to running 25 minutes without stopping. I’ll be ready to run a 5K within a week or so. And if I can do that, I’m sure I can take a yoga class.

    But the anxious mind keeps flashing back to the physical pain I’ve felt in previous yoga classes. I do wonder if any of the pain I felt back then during yoga was because of the expectation — and pressure — that it would “fix me.” Of course, I know that’s not the case anymore. But if anyone has any supportive words, would be much appreciated.
  2. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I hope your yoga class went well!

    One thing that's helped me is outcome independence when I began to weight lift and workout again. If I get pain, or not, who cares, at least I did it! Or right before a pilates session I quite literally say to my brain "This may or may not make x hurt, I don't care either way" and it helped take a lot of pressure off!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Heh, we're late to the party, @Needel94, and I also hope your class went well.

    Years ago I learned from some kind of bodyworker (massage? Hellerwork?)(some kind of intense treatment intended to release the fascia) how to breathe into and relax any area experiencing pain or tightness during the session.

    We know from our work here that the pain is really just a manifestation of fear, right? An unnecessary danger signal created by a cluster of primitive brain cells. Literally.

    So for the last thirteen years, whenever I experience pain or tightness during yoga or other exercise, I switch immediately into rational analysis, checking my position combined with the nature of the pain to assure myself it's not acute. Then I visualize the physical benefits I will gain (weight-bearing bone-strengthening and osteoporosis-fighting) by challenging myself instead of backing off in fear. At 74 I'm greedy for those benefits! I breathe into it like I learned years ago, and keep going. I've never suffered any negative consequences.
  4. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    Hi there. So, how was it? Did things go well?

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