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FlatBack Syndrome?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by bluealchemy, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. bluealchemy

    bluealchemy Peer Supporter

    Hey guys!

    I have had a very transformational few days diving into the resources in this forum. I'm SO happy this place exists!

    I'm SO close to feeling fully confident in dispelling my diagnosis from my MRI.
    Feeling more and more ready to transcend this false belief that there is something structurally defective.

    I've gone through and googled, read case studies, etc on each of the "abnormalities" they found and I no longer have any worries about my herniated disc or potentially spondylosis

    the one thing I can't seem to find any research of or mention of is my "flatback syndrome" or "Straightening to the typical lordosis lumbar spine"

    Does anyone happen to know anything about that? I looked at my MRI image compared to "normal" lumbar spines and the curve looks pretty fine lol.

    Is "flatback syndrome" just another normal abnormality?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have a flat back. I have had it all my life, and I never even noticed at all until a pilates instructor I was working with said "oh, your back is really flat, just like mine! Something we have in common". It simply means that your back is flatter than someone elses. Just like perhaps your nose is maybe slightly smaller or more prominent, or your feet are bigger or smaller or your arches are higher or flatter.
    It means NOTHING.
    Stop looking at your MRI.
    Stop reading any reviews that the "technician" (who is NOT a doctor and is not able to diagnose anything physical so why on earth they are even allowed to read or comment on an MRI is beyond me) may have listed.
    Stop using Dr. Google
    When thoughts like this keep popping up, which is a form of catastrophizing, keep reminding yourself to THINK PSYCHOLOGICAL.
    Pain is the BRAIN!
    TG957 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sounds like yet another so-called diagnosis which is merely a collection of words that describe what is obvious to everyone. It's sad that medical practice has turned to meaningless groups of words in order to give patients a diagnosis, simply because medical practice otherwise has no clue what to do for them.

    For a real spinal abnormality, read Nicole Sachs' backstory/back story. She was told at age 19 that she couldn't do sports, travel, or ever have children. She has done all of those things. Still does except for having more children after three of them. And she still has the abnormality.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
    TG957 and miffybunny like this.

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