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Glutamate and histamine intolance

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Islander, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Islander

    Islander Peer

    Anyone had issues with collagen peptides due to the high contwnt on both?
  2. Islander

    Islander Peer

    Glycine sensitiviy
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Personally, I have no idea what you are talking about or why you keep asking the same question several times, which is not related to our topic. We do not discuss medical or physical details here . If you want to learn about the MindBody condition we call TMS, please go to tmswiki.org, and start reading. We have a free educational program called the Structured Educational Program where you can learn more.
  4. Islander

    Islander Peer

    Not related to the topic? Food intolerances, histamine intolerances ive seen plenty of this topics in here i dont know why glutamate sensitivity cant be a topic
  5. Islander

    Islander Peer

    I know about TMS read Sarno, Schubiner, alan Gordon, dan buglio etc i know tms from top to bottom i ask a question to see if someone had knowledge neither to judge me or aprehend me
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    My apologies, @Islander. Your posts did not indicate that you had extensive TMS knowledge. It helps people to respond if you explain your TMS experience and how your symptom might relate to TMS.

    I have a general response for food sensitivities and TMS if you are interested in that.
  7. Islander

    Islander Peer

    I know food sensitivities, i thought you had knowledge on glutamate and gaba receptors is very importante that you know how glutamate works. For me is a whole different game went it comes to glutamate cause wer are not talking about histamine. Some people eat food high in glutamate and become hyperexicited and cant convert glutsmate into gaba cause nmda receptors are activate for some reason i wanted to know if thst reason was stress or trauma
  8. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is a good question for a tms Doctor who can better explain the science behind TMS/Chronic pain, the brain, and human chemical makeup.
    Dr. Hanscomb and Dr. Tovah are both fascinated and knowledgeable about how the body produces chemicals in response to stress or the mind/body connection.
    They both have websites you can message them through.
  9. Islander

    Islander Peer

    i did a video chat with them they are all about money lots of money they dont answer questions unleas you pain thousands

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