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Going Public

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by kbarlow, May 23, 2017.

  1. kbarlow

    kbarlow New Member

    Having had (what I now know is) TMS for over 10 years I have never really disclosed it. As I was originally diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis and then later on it was Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, there are only family and close friends that know I have "something". More recently I explained all to my Manager at work and he has been absolutely brilliant I have to say.

    However, I've always been quite private about it.....until now. I have started writing a blog in the hope that my journey can help others. After all, if it wasn't for other people sharing their stories I would most certainly be in a very dark place by now...if not worse.

    So to my question, I have a feeling that if I tell the world I have TMS it will be a huge message to my unconscious mind. Consciously this would be a huge step for me which is why I believe it could help me progress.

    I'm interested to hear what others views are on this. thank you
    Enrique likes this.
  2. dharn999

    dharn999 Well known member

    I've only talked about my own experiences with my wife and hearing her understand what I'm going through was great and helpful. But I've discussed TMS with many people when back pain comes up. I've had some people say that they think it's crazy etc etc but I found that when people think it sounds crazy it hasn't shaken my belief, but does piss me off (part of my anger problem more than likely).

    But when I talk to people about TMS in conversation and they think it makes sense I feel good and hopeful
    kbarlow likes this.
  3. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Figuring out who will and who won't be receptive to TMS is a skill i'm still working on!

    I've definitely shared a lot about it with my family and many friends, as it is an integral part of my experience and my career. However, many people will not be receptive to the idea of it. I find that the people i'm closest with will accept it. To accept TMS as being a real phenomenon you must be somewhat open minded and ready to accept it, and open to talking freely about mental health. Not everyone is there.

    I really believe you have to be personally ready and open to accept it...I sometimes casually float the idea by various clients, most do not accept it, a few have. Doesn't hurt to get the idea out there and share your experience on a blog, though! Personally i'm not at that point because the employer I work for is so conservative and wouldn't accept this as standard practice, i'd be putting myself at risk. I'd like to start my own practice one day and at that point be "out" and have a blog and more social media activism on the topic :)
    kbarlow likes this.
  4. healingfromchronicpain

    healingfromchronicpain Well known member

    I feel the same. Since getting so much relief once I discovered that the mind-body connection was at the root of my chronic pain, I've felt compelled to share my story, which is why I set up a website (and blog), too, and why I'm hoping to publish a memoir about my journey (just sent it to an editor!). But not only can going public hopefully help others, I believe it can also help us. The day my website went live (Jan 29, 2017), I had a layer of pain disappear. My pain had been higher since last August when my husband got a new job and we moved our family to another state. Then in January, a layer of pain simply went away. I've known about TMS for 11 years and still can't shake off all my pain, but it seems sharing my story helped shed another layer.

    And I agree, when I talk to people about the mind-body stuff, I try to get a sense of where they are and whether they're ready to hear it or not. I couch it in different ways, depending on where I think their understanding is. But I just know I wish I had known sooner, so I want to share my knowledge, with the hope that it will also help me.
    kbarlow likes this.
  5. Enrique

    Enrique Well known member

    I think it's a good time to "come out" as a TMS sufferer. When I bring it up with people, I don't get the blank stares as much as I used to. I believe the concept is becoming more acceptable in the culture. Good luck with the blog. I've always thought that little by little as more and more people put their stories out that TMS understanding and acceptance would reach this tipping point and then it would simply become accepted as fact by most people. I think we're getting close to that point.
    kbarlow likes this.
  6. Betsy4ever

    Betsy4ever New Member

    Trust me the writing idea is the brillian initiative. It's great help for others, some might see you as crazy, but remember nothing is perfect.
    kbarlow likes this.
  7. kbarlow

    kbarlow New Member

    I really appreciate the feedback, thanks very much everyone for taking the time.

    My theory is that by "coming out" as a TMS'r would help drive the message from my conscious mind to my unconscious mind that I am fully aware of what is going on. Given that this goes very much against my personality it would be a strong message because I am prepared to go out of my comfort zone to make that announcement publicly.

    I am going to revamp my blog because it is currently centred around my initial diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis. I'll keep all that information on there but I want the blog to be a positive theme of progress and hope rather than the doom and gloom I was under for so many years.

    The current blog is here but I will be making some changes over the next few weeks.

    https://brandnewstartweb.wordpress.com/ (Brand New Start)

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