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Good book with many TMS stories

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by clarinetpath, Feb 8, 2025.

  1. clarinetpath

    clarinetpath Peer Supporter

    I would like to recommend this book:


    It's called Meaning-full Disease, by Brian Broom. He's something like a doctor Sarno of New Zealand. He's an immunologist and a psychologist. Retired. The book is full of cases of TMS and TMS equivalents as well as examples of the occurrence of the symptom imperative. He doesn't describe the psychology in terms of Freud like Dr Sarno does but he knows what is going on.

    There are several cases of immunological skin conditions, similar to what people have talked about on here. He also writes convincingly that the selection of symptom often has a specific meaning. I thought it was interesting that he arrived independently at much of what Dr Sarno discovered. Here's a video of him talking about a few cases from the book.

    https://wholeperson.healthcare/finding-meanings-of-illness-in-dark-times/ (Finding meanings of illness in dark times - Whole Person Healthcare)
    Notters_1983 and Diana-M like this.

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