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Hair Issues - Diagnosed with Seb Derm w/ History of TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by sebderm1234, Oct 14, 2023.

  1. sebderm1234

    sebderm1234 Newcomer

    Have had extensive history with chronic neck, back and pelvic floor dysfunction which is majority gone due to approaching it with a TMS mindset.

    However, this past summer, I was under incredible stress working 90-100+ a week when my scalp started burning and I noticed extreme hair loss.

    This has subsided, but I am still having hair loss behind my neck, ears and eyebrows. I do not have any issues surrounding my hairline and have no history of MPB in my family.

    I was diagnosed with seb derm by a dermatologist, but have tried treatments, which have only provided temporary relief, but no stop in the hair loss long term. Could this be TMS?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I’ve had two friends with female hair loss, both were due to stress.
    Both of them now have gorgeous heads of hair after recognizing the source of their stress and what it was doing to them emotionally and how they were avoiding the emotions of the stress by certain coping mechanisms.
    certain hair loss can definitely be tms!
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @sebderm1234, You are very welcome to join this community and take advantage of our resources which can lead to long-term recovery from the physical and emotional distress of the TMS brain mechanism. I would, however, strongly suggest changing your username to something neutral (and easy for others to use). Recovery will not be enhanced with a name that self-identifies you with your current symptom! You can send me a private message to do so, or just delete this account and start over, or perhaps you just needed a response and don't need to participate further. Whatever you decide, good luck!
    miffybunny likes this.

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