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Hand shoulder arm pain/burning/tingling

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Urbank, May 18, 2024.

  1. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    Writing this at the end. What follows is a word vomit. I'm kind of in a hurry but I really want to get this out. If it's not up to standard please let me know and I'll try to write something more coherent.

    I've had a bunch of tests. Really minor abnormalities in the x-ray of neck and shoulders. Ultrasound found nothing. EMG showed no sign of carpal tunnel.

    My symptoms are neck and shoulder pain. More in the right than in the left,.but when I was heavily using my left hand to compensate I got a similar pain there. Have pain between or on the joints of the middle and ring finger. Pain along the arm and in the neck. Sometimes in the upper and lower back. Pins and needles in the hands. Pain in the right middle finger. Sometimes feeling as though it's difficult to stretch my fingers. As though the tendons are pulling them back. Pain in the muscles of my arm. Sometimes when I fiddle with the elbow I get pins and needles.

    A few things that make me doubt it's not physical:
    Pulling back my hand when the arm is extended causes discomfort/pain as if something is being pulled too much in my fingers. Also some cracking in the right arm joints.

    I'm a programmer and play violin as a hobby. Everything I do for work or personal enjoyment involves my arms and fingers being able to do things. The idea of not being able to do this fills me with silent dread... It was active panic at the beginning. Then what I felt like was denial
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Urbank
    The symptoms you describe are very common, especially lately on this forum and often seem to manifest in people who use their hands for their profession, but I’ve also seen gamers, musicians, writers etc report similar symptoms. The man who created this forum had similar symptoms and is a success story.

    I often guide people to this helpful quiz. (PPD is another name for TMS): https://ppdassociation.org/ppd-self-questionnaire (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association)

    Here’s the Aces Quiz, it is helpful too. https://www.acesaware.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ACE-Questionnaire-for-Adults-Identified-English-rev.7.26.22.pdf

    astly, if you have not yet, reading any book by Dr. Sarno will educate you on TMS.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    I'm currently reading unlearn your pain by Howard Schubiner. Got 7/12 on the quiz.

    Also started following the 30 day program on this site.

    Hearing that it's common is heartening. I have mostly heard about this being applied to back pain.

    Do you have a link to where the creator of the website wrote about his experience?
    Baseball65 likes this.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    His name is Forrest, and his success story is here somewhere!
  5. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    I found it in the wiki, very similar to me indeed. The way MBS makes the most sense to me is that there is actually some slight damage in my hand, but there's no need for the brain to make so much out of it as it isn't significantly dangerous.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. Barkis

    Barkis Peer Supporter

    I have the exact same issues plus I'm an artist/musician -- or I was until I had to essentially curtail how much I used my hands.
    I have also got left sided leg/back/abdominal pain which makes me cry - often.
    I have had anything serious ruled out with just about every test you can imagine.

    The hope, is that I can eventually recover as I have in the past recovered fully from other incredibly long term pain/symptoms -most notably headaches and TMJ but there are many others.

    I'm working with a TMS therapist but in all honesty I'm still worried that I have structural issues because the symptoms are strange, especially the left side of my back and abdomen and the resulting GI issues.
  7. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    I hope you recover Barkis! I just wanted to share this video with you if you haven't seen it. I watched it today and found it very compelling.

  8. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    The doctor talks also about how even structural damage can be managed and healed with this. I think it's very possible that the brain isn't very precise with how much pain it administers.
  9. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Sounds similar. The most odd and bizarre symptoms. Right side rib to leg but also horrible acid now too. I also heal one symptoms also facial pain but the other weird ones are here still. Sending continued healing ✨️
  10. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Self-criticism and an assumption that you're not good enough... how can you NOT have TMS, @Urbank?

    Did you by any chance check out the link to the ACEs quiz suggested by @Cactusflower? These personality characteristics are based in childhood and family experiences. The sooner you understand what you're dealing with, the sooner you can address your emotional issues appropriately. You undoubtedly need to "do the work" as we say around here, and I see that you're doing Alan's program. Your ACEs score will be a useful point of information.

    I'm not sure that Alan's program examines emotional issues the same way that the Structured Educational Program does. I recommend that you check out the power of writing. Our wiki has a good page about the various techniques (which are covered in the SEP) and Nicole Sachs has a great web page about How To Journalspeak (just google that phrase with her name, it should be the first hit).
    Diana-M likes this.
  11. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    You're very observant! I do have a lot of self-doubt/insecurity. Perhaps I even made it a significant part of my personality.

    I didn't grow up in an abusive family at all. However, my mother was severely depressed and would often sleep many consecutive days after breaking down emotionally and even alluding to suicide. She was otherwise and still is a very good and loving person. She has overcome her depression to a large degree.

    I will say that reading about TMS MBS has already improved my outlook regarding the pain a lot.
  12. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    And there it is. Good.

    So look, the A in ACEs is not abuse, it is Adverse. And it is really good to hear that your mother is in a much better place now and can be there for you as an adult. That being said, and keeping in mind that I'm not a mental health professional by any means, I am nonetheless confident in saying that you suffer from adverse childhood experiences. I really do encourage you to take the quiz so you understand why this is significant for anyone who has been raised in a family life that is dysfunctional on some level. Just because your mom has done a lot of work on herself doesn't mean that the defenses YOUR brain put up in childhood are somehow magically resolved. They are not, because unfortunately that's not how our brains work. It will take significant emotional work to break down the repression and resistance that your brain developed over many years in an attempt to protect you from the terrifying isolation and abandonment you experienced as a young child. This is capital-T Trauma. You're going to have to acknowledge the terror, and also the legitimate resentment that the child has when a parent fails to live up to the requirement that they be present and available to love, nurture and protect their child.

    TMS knowledge is a great starting point, but for those with childhood trauma, it only gets them so far. I would love to be wrong about that, but I've seen it too many times over the years.

    I'm going to recommend a different resource for the ACEs quiz, where it can easily be done online and also provides a lot more additional information. It's here: https://www.npr.org/sections/health...e-quiz-and-learn-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean
    Diana-M likes this.
  13. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    The acid is such a big component of anxiety. You are going to be OK, just keep working on nervous system regulation. You'll get there!
  14. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    AHA! I grew up with a depressed and anxious mother. When you first look at the ACE's test, it looks like it wants you to have a really explicit "abusive" background, so at first, my own ACE's test was a 1. However, on an NPR radio show I heard a discussion of how subtle many of the things on the ACE's test might be that effect you. You need to look at it through the eyes of a child, not an adult or even your parent. It's not about how your Mom overcame her depression nor how loving she is - it's how you felt, and what you experienced and the behaviors you adapted to cope.
    Diana-M likes this.
  15. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hi, @Urbank,

    Welcome to the wiki! This place is a lifesaver! You are in the right place. I am a writer with the absolute exact symptoms you describe in my hands. It’s weird! And my TMS brain and yours chose the very symptoms that would terrify us the most— with no hands, no income and no joy. What’s left? Definitely distracting! I also have other symptoms. The truth is, we can heal if we follow the guidelines, but it’s definitely not for free. But what other choice do we have?

    My biggest help so far has been the Structured Educational Program, all of John Sarno’s books and Nichole Sachs (her podcasts are good!). Dan Buglio is awesome for decreasing overall anxiety levels and so is Claire Weekes.

    Here’s a post a wrote with what I’ve learned so far. Maybe there will be a helpful tip in there for you.

    I have had to get a bunch of psychotherapy to deal with some pretty awful childhood trauma. But I feel in the end, it’s going to be worth it. To some extent, it is already even though I still have symptoms.

    IMHO, Having a mother even allude to suicide is a pretty scary thought for a kid. I might die and leave you. I might want to kill myself. How does a kid process that? How does anyone, really? Facing stuff our parents did that hurt us doesn’t mean you are being disloyal to them. It just means you want to heal. There’s a way to still love them yet face reality.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  16. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    @Barkis, If you did it once, you can do it again! Check out this test by Dan Buglio. It might put your worries to rest and show you that you have TMS (again).
  17. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I am a Manual laborer and also play guitar several hours a day..sometimes like 10 hours on the weekends. I have had every symptom you listed and every single one was TMS.

    When it went directly after my arm/hand/thumb I don't remember what was going on, BUT it got worse really fast..like in 12 hours from nothing to OMG can't play a G chord. THEN ...it went into my other hand/thumb and i laughed because I was then certain it was TMS...it started after I did NOTHING all day because of the other pain.

    mind you, the symptoms went away fast because I had already been through the program with my back, so I have a lot of tools and strategies that I believe in.

    If I play in the morning, usually about 15-20 minutes into my warm ups my hand goes numb. I have learned to play through it and it goes away...I can even just get a cup of coffee and its gone..clearly conditioning...I played tonight but it wasn't the morning so it didn't happen...that is how we learn...pay attention to the inconsistencies and circumstances from that quieter non-panicky part of the brain...It is so obviously a TMS related phenomenon, the important part is it no longer scares or concerns me

    Being able to make it worse doesn't make it 'physical'...if you have depleted blood flow and oxygen, of course it's gonna hurt until that mechanism abates . The only way for that to happen in my experience is to vigorously inspect your emotional life, in particularly what you should be mad about but have no feeling about;indifference....for me it has always been hidden behind "I'm fine...there is nothing wrong"

    Being a lifelong player and having been almost economically successful, I probably have a lot of repressed rage about my perceived 'failure'. So I wrote a song called "The Man who also Ran" and vented all of those daemons...for now.

    it's never what we think it is...it is always in our life hidden in plain sight.
    Diana-M and Urbank like this.
  18. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Urbank, following @Diana-M's story since she landed here would be a good use of your time. You can see anyone's posts by going to their profile and clicking on the Postings tab. To just see their original threads (which is what I recommend for Diana's story) go to the bottom of that posts page and click on "threads by..."

    THIS, @Urbank. Right here. THIS is what you need to know and THIS is what you must do. This is pure gold, from someone who knows what she is talking about. Read Diana's threads (starting with that recent one she links to, in which provided a link to a similar terrific and recent Success Story).
  19. Barkis

    Barkis Peer Supporter

    Thanks for the video link - brilliant!

    I'm fixated on the pain(s), to the point of OCD and it's difficult getting out of this. However, I never thought I'd recover from a daily chronic headache that lasted over 2o years but I did.
    Diana-M and Urbank like this.
  20. Urbank

    Urbank Newcomer

    I really appreciate all the support! It's heartwarming.

    I can think back in one specific moment that gets me emotional and takes me back to the perspective of the child clinging to mom, begging her to be happy while dad tried to calm her down. She was extremely desperate at that point. And I remember always or often being afraid when I woke up and headed to the living room if today she would be in a good mood. And to this day I think I'm hyper vigilant of people's micro-expressions.

    I'll check out the resources in the evening, need to get to work now.

    Again, thanks everyone!
    Cactusflower and Diana-M like this.

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