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Heart palpitations and trembling - TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Mardi327, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. Mardi327

    Mardi327 Newcomer

    Seeking some encouragement. My heart has been pounding for days. I feel very scared and can’t seem to calm down. My chest shivers like I’m cold sometimes. But the pounding doesn’t seem to stop. EKGs are normal (including on Apple Watch). I’ve come so far figuring this TMS thing out and working through so many symptoms but it’s like my body has hit the jackpot on this one. I was checked by a primary care doctor and referred to a cardiologist but that appointment isn’t for another month. Have you ever dealt with constant palpitations like this as a TMS symptom? Thank you!
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Here’s a great article from the Cleveland Clinic site that explains the link between the sensation of heart palpitations and anxiety https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21677-heart-palpitations-and-anxiety (Heart Palpitations & Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment)

    If you have not yet explored Claire Weekes work, I highly suggest you seek out a book. She describes the sensations you have, frequently in her books as the sensation of anxiety and explains how to accept instead of push away or fear it (and other physicality of anxiety). By all means get things checked out but also try embracing the idea that these are harmless sensations, and if we simply feel them without judgement, they can pass quickly. Be curious, try experimenting with your reactions to the sensation and use some self compassion. I tend to say to myself “this is anxiety. This is what anxiety feels like, and I’m ok right now” then I just stop thinking and start feeling it. I used to get heart palpitations, feel faint, get dizzy etc. It was explained to me that this is simply a nervous system reaction to a perceived lack of safety and part of a common set of sensations that can happen with a disregulated nervous system. I was never afraid of the symptoms but found I would get annoyed and embarrassed. I stopped judging them and they have pretty much gone away.
    Akela and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. Mardi327

    Mardi327 Newcomer

    Thank you @Cactusflower I've ordered one of Claire Weekes books and I will start it soon. For me it's such a fear loop. The fear creates palpitations and then I'm afraid of the palpitations and then they get worse. It alarms me that they can happen even when I'm sleeping. I will try being curious and self-compassionate! Thank you for your advice!
  4. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Claire Weekes is the best authority on anxiety. I know someone who was able to get rid of heart palpitations and panic attacks in 6-7 months by meditating daily for 1 hour uninterrupted.
    Mardi327 likes this.
  5. Pac-man

    Pac-man New Member

    how did it go?
    i've had constant heart palpitations and pounding for 7-8 years now 24/7. the apple watch EKG was one thing that scared me because it was very erratic and suggested I had to get to a doctor. however the cardiologist said it wasn't anything to worry about - "it's just stress". it sucks. and it took away my life quality for several years (i could not stop obsessing over it).
  6. Fal

    Fal Peer Supporter

    They started for me in 2018 after a panic attack and didn’t stop until 2023, I went on anti depressants and within 4 days of taking them they stopped. At that moment I stopped being scared of it and it’s slowly gone away and I rarely get them now and that’s after being off setraline for nearly a year.

    Your body is sensing danger somewhere and somehow you are sending that signal to your brain with your thoughts.

    Oh I worried about work
    Oh I’m worried about my health
    Oh I’m worried about my future
    Oh I’m worried about my kids

    Literally anything will set it off or keep it going whilst your body is in a highly sensitized state
    lili2002, JanAtheCPA and Cactusflower like this.

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