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Day 25 Helpful Success Stories

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by plt4life, Aug 19, 2024.

  1. plt4life

    plt4life Peer Supporter

    The most recent Success story, Pandamonium's, was exactly what I needed to read today. I am in the fourth week of the program, and while I have noticed some improvement, I was hoping for more by now. It is helpful to hear someone that isn't a "book cure" and had to take more time to get back to healthy and pain free. I keep reminding myself that this is about the emotional progress and journey, which will result in being pain free, but it is often hard to not focus solely on the pain. I also found Dr. Schubiner's article from today's program helpful. He listed the 10 levels of TMS treatment/recovery. The final one was "creating a new self." I had actually been thinking about that a lot this past weekend. I gave myself a few days off from the program, and quickly realized that wasn't in my best interest. I think the journaling every day is going to be important for me, for a while. I am realizing that the journal forces me to address the issues I'm stressed about, instead of just "being stressed" about them. I don't know how to explain that better, but the other day I was stressed about having fired someone a couple of days earlier, and then being concerned about the new school year for my son, and the possibility of the local schools not being good enough, and then spiraling into fear of needing to move, and then sell my business, etc! I found myself unable to motivate myself to go do something fun, and was just lying in bed, feeling paralyzed with a mix of anxiety and depression. That might sound a bit dramatic, but I eventually got myself out to go fish for an hour or two, and was so grateful I was able to get out and do something.
    It made me reflect on similar situations in the past, and how I have been passive during this stressful times, allowing harmful patterns to develop. I am ready to break that pattern, and create a new person that stops avoiding my emotions. Thanks.
  2. invincible

    invincible Peer Supporter

    This is a great explanation. Simple and direct, but so much meaning. Thanks for this, resonated with me today.
    I tend to treat journaling as a 'chore' I have to do, Like oh man ok i gotta take time and write about this, how boring and taxing.

    This way of looking at it helps me realise that my attitude towards journaling is just another way of my brain trying to avoid dealing with stresses and emotions.
    For me I think my brain enjoys sitting in the shallow of stress and depression and thinking that I was treated unfairly and unjustly.
    Basically playing the victim role can be very addicting for the brain is what I realised today. Feels like this is just a pattern that the brain is familiar with, so it enjoys just sitting in it.

    Thanks for sharing, I hope to break this pattern and face my emotions and stresses head on! (I hope this for you too, all the best!)
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2024
    JanAtheCPA, Diana-M and Ellen like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @plt4life and @invincible, every insight you are both experiencing here is so 100% right on!

    I had these same realizations when I was doing the SEP, and I certainly still have them now, 13 years later whenever I'm "sitting in the shallow of stress and depression and thinking..." (overthinking, in fact, if not outright ruminating!) instead of getting off my ass and getting out a pen and a random piece of paper. Which is crazy, because the writing always helps. Always!
    invincible likes this.
  4. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I bought a pack of 600 sheets of notebook paper and a box of pens and I have it by my place at the kitchen table. :) Soooo easy to start writing while I’m sitting there stewing.
    invincible and JanAtheCPA like this.

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