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High blood pressure

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by elchessboy, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. elchessboy

    elchessboy New Member

    Hello All,

    Yes I've had tms for long time now, actually anxiety as well esp while stressful times but not as bad.

    I went to the dentist and my blood pressure was high. Didn't help that the doctor kept telling me to go to my physician . I tried to tell him I have the white coat syndrome but he kept telling me about strokes and more stuff.

    When I'm rested my BP is like 120. 125/85

    I think he put the fear in me with having BP now I can't stop checking smh.

    It's the ruminating fear.

    Just wanted to know if high BP was a tms symtom and if so can you let me know how you cured if you had it?

    Thank you
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey @elchessboy. I'm a retired tax accountant, not a doctor, and I will not give medical advice. Also, at my age (73) I take blood pressure seriously. That being said, I'll share some info.

    After I couldn't get a good reading at the doc's office for a number of years starting in my 60s (even being a TMS success, and knowing to breathe and relax before the reading) I finally gave in several years ago and agreed to take medication. I don't want to mess around with the risk, and I figure that I'm already well past the age when humans used to kick the bucket, so why not take advantage of a fairly minimal intervention to not have to worry? (although I have refused to take those dubious bone-density drugs but that's another story). Anyway, I was over 65 by then, my two-years younger brother started taking it before he turned 60, and my four-years younger sister had been taking it for a couple of years - so I was already well ahead of the game compared to my siblings. Our dad also took it before he was 60. I'm on half of the smallest pill available, and it's basic lisinopril/HCL, with no side effects.

    All that being said - not long ago I went to get a first cleaning from my new dentist (thus a new hygienist) and got a really high BP reading (because I am a terrible dental patient). HOWEVER - they accepted my explanation of WCHT, plus I was able to say that I'm on medication, and that I monitor my BP at home and the readings are good and I send the output to my doc semi-regularly.

    For the record, I take my BP in the morning if I'm not rushing to be anywhere, after a warm shower and before caffeine, all as advised. I get an average of 115/65 (= happy doc). At that dental appointment it was like 140/85.

    Okay, so - it sounds like we had the same experience at the dentist, but you freaked out and I didn't even think twice about it until your post reminded me. Is it time for you to get a medical checkup just to be sure? Maybe there are other things that are unconsciously worrying you that you'd rather not think about. Just sayin'....

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