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Hope this helps someone!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Diana-M, Nov 20, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    In the past 8 months I’ve worked hard and I’ve changed. You all have helped me so much! And thank you !
    • I’ve gone from panic to peace.
    • I went from a fragile identity to being satisfied with who I am. I’m just me. It’s ok!
    • I used to push myself constantly. Now I’m so chill. No rush. No fuss. No demands.
    • I used to track the news in a frenzy. Now I stay away from it. What good does it do me? (It gave me TMS.)
    • I used to let my mind have free rein. Now I discipline it and guide it daily to good thoughts.
    • I was always fearing the worst. Now I ponder all the great things that could happen.
    • I used to fear aging. Now I tell myself how young I still am.
    • I used to fixate on my grown kids. Now I let them live their lives.
    • I used to want to be a “perfect” Mom. Now I know there’s no such thing and I let go.
    • I used to do what everybody wanted me to do. Now I do what I want.
    • I used to think I had to fix people’s problems. Now I know that’s not my job.
    • I used to think I was on the brink of tragedy. Now I think I’m on the brink of amazing!
    • I used to think I had to keep doing something if I’ve spent time already doing it. Now all bets are off. I can start over on anything. Any day. Any time. It’s ok to make changes that are good for me.
    • I used to think I was broken. Now I think I’m becoming better than ever.
    • I used to think I’ll never get better. Now I think it’s just a matter of time. :)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2024
    tgirl, JanAtheCPA, Ellen and 6 others like this.
  2. Mala

    Mala Well known member

    Good to see you doing a lot of the mental stuff, thinking positive & all, reading etc.
    I also read in one of your other posts that you are doing some some light work in the kitchen.

    May I ask what other normal physical activities you are doing? I don't know what 'normal' would be for you but are you engaging or integrating yourself back to those kinds of activities?

    How are you directing your mind & your energy towards resuming & getting back your life by totally accepting the TMS diagnosis.


  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Mala ,

    Good question! It has taken me quite a while to just get strong enough to stand up for increasing amounts of time. The kitchen work is helping with that a lot. As I get stronger I plan to go out more and more.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2024
    feduccini likes this.

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