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How exactly do you guys apply TMS to things?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Feb 22, 2022.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    I might have to read Sarnos book again, but I have been taking medication for several things when it comes to mental health, like possibly depression, ocd, mentally over worked.

    I'm starting to not enjoy things I use to like a lot like video games, I'm starting to not gain interest in many things in life, but also gain in other ways.

    when I feel like mentally fatigued and just want to stay silence all day because hearing sounds might bother me, how do you guys deal with this? I'm a content creator and I would like to feel my emotions clearly.

    Most of the times if I smile it's because I force myself and I generally don't feel happy, I can't feel emotions well.
  2. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Most emotions are a matter of habit. It is not YOU who is depressed. It is your mental and emotional habits (conditioned response.)

    What you focus on and how you hold your body on daily basis can lead to depression. Change those and you will get results.

    I explain this in detail in my book “Vanquish Stress: Five Proven Steps to Finally Conquer Stress, Tension, Worry, Anxiety, and Depression So That You Can Live Happy, Healthy, and Pain-Free”

    Try this right now: Stand up tall, raise your arms, look up, and smile widely with your teeth showing. Hold this posture and feel depressed. Most people find it hard to feel depressed when doing this happy pose.

    They did a study at UCSF with clinically depressed patients using smile therapy. Patients were to hold a smile for 20 minutes a day for two weeks. Some patients were told to keep a pencil between their teeth to make sure it is a wide smile,

    After two weeks they were cured and got off medications.

    So it is possible with daily practice.

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