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How Must I Handle being fired to avoid TMS symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by White Flower PR, May 28, 2024.

  1. White Flower PR

    White Flower PR New Member

    Hi everyone. Hope all is well.
    I just got fired today via Text and i was not expecting that.
    I got angry, mad, sad at the same time. I started talking to myself to vent, but i dont know what else to do to avoid a setback.
    Any advice please, I am doing really great and dont want to go back to how I was.....I am not afraid of pain!!!!! affirmation!! lol
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    So sorry they did it to you:=(. It hurts a lot, but try not to suppress your emotions, feel them through mindfully, without dwelling on them, but with understanding that it is normal to feel that way, but also it is normal to move on. There is one more: long time ago, I was fired, quite unceremoniously, because I refused to get pulled into the conflict between two angry women fighting for power. Turned out, it was my pure luck. 3 months later I was hired for what it turned out to be a great job. You never know!
    JanAtheCPA, Ellen and Cactusflower like this.
  3. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Remember, Sarno said he didn't treat pain...he teaches you how to NOT get pain ..todays work prevents tomorrows TMS.

    Whenever something like that comes up (getting fired, surprise emotional outbursts,etc.) I DEAL with it...I talk to it. I explore it. I talk to myself in the car as if I was talking to the person or entity I am angry with...in my most self involved narcissistic voice i can provoke...

    ALL jobs suck for one reason of another...make a list of why you didn't like the job. Make a list of reasons why your scared of being unemployed...just keep being real and it will not go down there..to the TMS place.
    backhand, Diana-M, Ellen and 2 others like this.
  4. NickBacarella

    NickBacarella Newcomer

    If I got fired via text, I'd be hopping mad. That's insane! Who does that?

    If I were in your shoes, I'd try to allow myself to feel that anger -- really feel it. Getting out of pain doesn't mean you have to turn off difficult emotions like anger or sadness. To me, it means expressing them in healthy ways so you're not consumed by them. "What you resist persists," as they say, so trying to keep a lid on your anger when it's completely justified is probably only going to make you feel worse!

    If it helps any, I like to remind myself that I HAVE emotions, but I am not the same thing as my emotions. I can feel them, but I don't have to identify with or get wrapped up in them. Close your eyes and watch your anger unfold as if you're watching a movie in a theater -- once the movie is over, you can go back to normal.

    You may find this link helpful, too! https://www.tarabrach.com/rain/ (Resources ~ RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture)
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  5. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi White Flower,
    Sorry you got surprised like that. If it helps, one the things that I have found over many, many years is that when people are let go -- in hindsight, it always turns out to be the best thing that happened to them. Every time. It frees you to find an opportunity that is even better for you.
    In the meanwhile, you have a right to all the feelings that you're feeling. You can be pissed off, mad, scared, angry, etc.
    Really though, I can almost guarantee that you will look back and be glad about it.
    Best of luck!

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