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How to start Journaling ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by schibetta, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. schibetta

    schibetta Newcomer


    I recently read The Mind Body Prescription because I have some form of TMS I believe

    I started applying some principles and I read every day the 12 daily reminders of Dr Sarno

    I also started journaling this week, but I'm definitely not sure if the way I do is good.

    This is how I process:

    I simpy list bad events or bad things I experienced either in my current life or in my past, I try to precise what kind of negatives emotions I felt when that event/thing occured.

    I realize I accumulated a ton of anger/resentment all my life, and I have a great memory so I can recall a ton of stuff

    also I try to list the pressures I feel in my daily life

    I try to do that for 30 minutes, then I erase all of that and I start again the day after

    Is my journaling efficient ? what other things can I do ?

  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    That is certainly the core of it. The only thing i might add, is make a list of everybody in your world from the inside out...partner/parents/kids/best friends/bosses/friends/ peers/team mates/etc...

    I write why I OUGHT to be mad but am not....example: A guy on my team I get along with. Oh wait, he gets the respect I think I OUGHT to get...oh wait..he got a gig playing a show with another guy on my team and I wanted that gig too, but never got invited.
    But we get along fine and he's really a nice guy... (get it...I am full of shit... I am in an unconscious RAGE about him upstaging me)

    I used a friend because it's easy...it gets harder and more nuanced the closer you get to the 'inner' life.

    But yeah, lists of your stress and responsibilities. than lists of stuff you know you're pissed about...and then....the stuff you THINK you're not angry about....but are open minded to adding to the list (LOL)

    The practice is more important than the outcome,.,,it's telling your unconscious that you know what it is doing and are not going to put up with it anymore.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @schibetta and welcome!

    @Baseball65 has illustrated just how messy this can all be - but it will be worth it, I promise you!

    We have a free program which you might find very helpful, which is the Structured Educational Program and you can find it on the main TMSWiki.org website. It is divided into Days, and we recommend that you only do one or two days at a time. Use the rest of your time, if you want, to read success stories on our Success Stories subforum, and to explore the other resources and recommendations that our other members are making all the time.

    The SEP is a little outdated and might contain some dead links, but the general structure, especially the writing exercises, will give you the guidance to keep you on track. You will get the most benefit out of it if you practice complete self honesty at all times. It's also important to let you know that as you do more of the work and make more of a commitment to emotional honesty you might experience an increase in your symptoms. This is normal and it's also good news!

    If you're reluctant to start the program, that's okay, in which case you can go to the wiki again for writing tips at https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?)

    I would also recommend reading the web page about journaling by Nicole Sachs, LCSW, on her site which is www.theCureforChronicpain.com. Just do a web search for "the Cure for Chronic Pain How to Journalspeak" and you'll find the page. It's a great resource.

    It absolutely sounds like you're on the right track!
    Baseball65, schibetta and Diana-M like this.
  4. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I do things a little differently when I'm "journaling." I have conversations with myself.
    I might ask myself (write down) a question and then go about answering it.
    As I'm writing I get almost trance like and let the the thoughts flow directly from head to hand without thinking.
    I let it all flow out like a waterfall.
    In doing that I found that I sometimes "speak with" or let other parts of me have the floor, so to speak.
    I ask "little Booble" what she thinks about whatever I'm writing about or how she feels about it. I ask "teenage Booble" sometimes to weigh in too.
    One time the part of me that handles autonomic functions/immune system chimed in. (It told me to stop trying to control things. That it could handle it with me micromanaging and getting in the way.)

    I write and write and write and sometimes I draw little pictures. Usually it goes from normal to rip roaring crazy to uplifting.
    BloodMoon, Mala and JanAtheCPA like this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Terrific description, @Booble! It hadn't occurred to me to try asking my different "parts", I really like that. Also the trance-like aspect and especially the waterfall. I love water visualizations.
  6. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you, Jan. It just kind of happened with my little one chiming in and crying/whining/tantrum-ing about my sister and "mummy."
    So then I started actually asking for her.
    Teenage Booble is a bit of an asshole. Just like I remember. LOL.
    It's slightly absurd and makes me feel like "Sybil" but I can tell you I feel like a million bucks afterwards.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  7. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    @Booble, I love how you describe journaling and I have tried it your way. That’s mostly what I do now.
    And it does feel good! :joyful:
    Booble and JanAtheCPA like this.
  8. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm glad you find it helpful!
    Diana-M likes this.

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