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How Toxic Families Rob You Of Your Life, Joy and Identity (And How To Get Them Back)

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Diana-M, Aug 4, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    This article spoke to me so strongly it took my breath away. I’m posting it (even though it’s long) in case it helps someone else.

    How Toxic Families Rob You Of Your Life, Joy and Identity (And How To Get Them Back).
    https://medium.com/@erinwatsonwriting/how-toxic-families-rob-you-of-your-life-joy-and-identity-and-how-to-get-them-back-2f239ce93b78 (How Toxic Families Rob You Of Your Life, Joy and Identity (And How To Get Them Back).)

    Here are a few quotes I liked:

    So many of those who suffered narcissistic or family scapegoating abuse often don’t “clue in” to all that they have been subjected to— and all the different ways it has affected them emotionally, socially, psychologically and even physically—until they are well into their lives.

    Growing up in narcissistic, toxic, and scapegoating dynamics meant they were actively trained to sideline themselves. They were expected to push their needs to the side, swallow their feelings, and dampen their pain.

    They were conditioned to deny their perceptions, twist their reality, and plaster on a mask to please and placate others.

    It is sad to finally understand that the world wasn’t hard because you were damaged or broken or undeserving, but because you were caged.

    Think of it this way: Grief is like a small toddler pulling at your pant leg. If you ignore them or try to shake them off they just get louder. They follow you around. They climb all over you. Suddenly all you can focus on is toddler and tantrum! They make themselves heard. And rightfully so.
    BloodMoon and BruceMC like this.

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