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I cannot seem to post in Ask a Therapist, so here goes.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tim S. Serenity, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. Tim S. Serenity

    Tim S. Serenity New Member

    I am 3 months in and doing very well. I know now Dr. Sarno was right, it is just taking time to internalize it all. (I guess). So my question.

    How do I find a Sarno therapist that is ALSO a Jungian Analyst?

    Things in my world are on a path of joy and empowerment. I want to be on a firm path. Jungian Analysis is of interest to me. So much that Jung is popping up everywhere that I look. So going with the flow, I would like to start analysis and work.

    Any suggestions?
  2. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    I don't think it's necessary to get hung up on Jung per se. His theories are psychoanalytic and deal with the unconscious mind. Anyone trained in TMS therapy is focused on emotions and subconscious programming. Jung theorized a lot on the collective unconscious if I remember from my college days , but anyway it's neither here not there. An effective therapist will focus on you and your life and emotions and thoughts. They will use a curing model to reverse neural circuit pain and to change thought habits. Freud and Jung were old school but their theories can still be applied. You just need someone who can help you put all the knowledge into practice in your day to day life. The model that Dr. Schubiner advocates for ex., is a more emotions based therapy like ISTDP. My suggestion is that you not get bogged down in theory and approach (as that can become just another distraction) but really address your own emotions and life.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
    backhand likes this.
  3. Tim S. Serenity

    Tim S. Serenity New Member

    Thank you so much for the reply. You are 100% right. I want to work on TMS first and foremost in every way you said. However.... once I invest in a therapist, and I am not referring to money here. I wish to move on PAST TMS and towards Jung’s processes for Individuation. I was not conflating the two, but perhaps the two things are related if only tangentially.
    I cross referenced the database for TMS therapists with that of the Jung societies for my state and the adjacent state, IL. This did not lead to any matches. I was hoping one of the professionals here who may not be members of those societies but has the requisite training would speak up or maybe make a referral. Thank you.
    miffybunny likes this.
  4. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh yes I understand. I'm not sure where you live, but you could probably do Skype with this kind of therapist as well. I wish you luck finding one! Sometimes it's more about the person and the therapeutic alliance you have with them than the specific methodology and some therapists use a combination of approaches. I guess my advice is not to be too married to an "approach" or overly concerned. As long as their point of view jives with yours and they are on the same page regarding goals, I think you will go on the journey you want to embark on. Hopefully some experts on the wiki can chime in! :)
  5. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Tim,

    I echo miffybunny's ideas in that if you find someone who you connect with, and they are willing/enjoy to do deeper work vs just "cognitive behavioral" this will probably serve your needs. Finding someone who is both Jungian and TMS specialist may be difficult. You can try google searches for correlations, or browse through the practitioners at the Wiki, or at https://ppdassociation.org/health-professional (Mental Health Professional — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association)

    Have a conversation with a few potential candidates if possible. Ask: What kind of therapy has helped you? Why? How do see my movement toward more joy and empowerment work with your approach? Most importantly is to find a therapist who has done deep work on themselves. This, unfortunately is not always the case. Jung said
    People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99.”

    I think your aim, to go deep is wonderful. And anything you discover along the way you can easily, and with good results integrate into your TMS internalizations. This might be possible without a TMS specialist too, depending on your understanding. Good luck in this.

    Tim S. Serenity and miffybunny like this.
  6. sheltered

    sheltered Peer Supporter

    Tim, you are fantastically on the right track here! Just looking through TMS and onward to individuation. I love that! My experience with TMS was that it was a gateway into a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. Keep your eyes open for synchronicities. You'll find your path. When I first had my TMS breakthrough, Carl Jung's work started showing up all over the place. Like books on his works being left on the street, mentions in movies, etc. I read a lot about him and his theories at the time. I did about a year of Jungian therapy after I had already basically healed myself from TMS but it helped fortify my psyche. In my humble opinion, focusing on TMS in therapy is a bit like treating the symptom. We have TMS. Some folks get depression. Some folks turn to addiction. List goes on. In the end, its about finding yourself, healing ill formed thought processes, emotions and world views. Good luck on your recovery. The next while will most likely be an incredible growth period. I'm excited for you!

    I agree with miffybunny, finding a good fit with the therapist is important. Trust you gut within a visit or two. Or whatever is being done during these times. You are on a righteous path here and will benefit from a guide that has wisdom. Just because the therapist has the education in no way reflects they have the wisdom.
    Tim S. Serenity likes this.
  7. Tim S. Serenity

    Tim S. Serenity New Member

    Thank you for this great encouragement! Interesting to know that my experience is not singular. So tell me how did the year Jung go? Anything you can tell me is of interest.

    And yes, synchronicities abound. I have taken to journaling just to keep track of them, because they evaporate like dreams. I just want to get with someone who knows and understands all this AND is intimately familiar with both Jung AND Sarno. I will just keep looking.
  8. Tim S. Serenity

    Tim S. Serenity New Member

    Thanks Andy. You are probably right. It is perhaps better to get started than to wait for the ideal situation. If the ideal presents itself, I can branch out.
    Good advice. Thank you.
  9. Tim S. Serenity

    Tim S. Serenity New Member

    Thank you. I am thinking that you are giving good advice. Better to start than wait for the ideal situation. Then I can branch of later. Thank you.
  10. sheltered

    sheltered Peer Supporter

    Jung is a pillar of psychology so it would not be hard to find therapists familiar with him but Sarno is still criminally unrecognized. Good luck with your search but you have a lot of tools already at your disposal. Don't give away your authority to heal yourself to someone else. You actually have everything you need already. Things will present themselves if you keep your eyes open. Read the sarno books, journal, introspection, meditation. All that is available right now and for basically free.

    I went weekly to therapy for about 6 months and then less often. Since Covid I have not touched base but plan to eventually. Lots of dream analysis. I happened upon a great guy that had been in a blender himself. I still hope I'm wrong on this but it seems to me pain is the greatest teacher. Don't let pain go to waste! Jungians love dreams so maybe start a dream journal and include your feelings during the dreams. Themes, etc. Having this in advance of finding the therapist might be helpful. Remember, TMS is just how your tension is manifesting. It's not as relevant as you might think. Sarno points to personality types that are susceptible. If you were different, it might show up as alcoholism, depression, whatever. I have a theory about these things being intergenerational but that's for another post. Beware your ego gets too attached to TMS.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm on a soupbox when I post here! Take my opinions with the good intentions they are provided in but you'll figure this out yourself. That seems to be the way.
    Tim S. Serenity likes this.

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