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Day 32 I stopped the program as feeling so good

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by PhillipAndr, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. PhillipAndr

    PhillipAndr Peer Supporter


    Just wanted to share a bit of an update. I've stopped following the programme because, quite suddenly, I'm feeling so much better—like magic. I've been able to do things I couldn't do before and am noticing significant improvements day by day. Although I still have some limitations, they no longer feel like obstacles. I trust that by not reacting to things, they will eventually fade away, and that's exactly what's happening!

    If things take a turn for the worse again, I'll resume the programme, but for now, I feel like I've graduated. I'm still engaging in daily activities to connect with my body and emotions. I meditate and practise yoga regularly, which definitely helps. So, it's not as though I've let everything go; rather, I've integrated some good practices to keep me going.

    I wanted to share this because it might be helpful for others. Best wishes to everyone on your recovery journeys! This programme works.

    Lots of love!
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @PhillipAndr,
    This is great to hear, and I really appreciate you coming back to let us know!

    Most folks don't do that, so we don't know if they stopped posting because, like you, they found a level of recovery which leads them to move on with their lives, or if they just quit. It occurs to me to wonder if people who don't do all 42 days don't want to admit it, but you know what? I don't think I made it beyond 15 days back in 2011! And that's okay, because it totally set me on the right path.

    The truth is that there are so many ways to do this work, and I've always believed that when you get it, you get it. And also that there are other ways to do the work, maintain the work, and come back to the work when it's needed.

    Enjoy life! And, you know, maybe think about writing a Success Story for us! It doesn't have to be long at all, and in fact you could just point to the postings tab in your own profile, because your posts while you were doing the SEP were really good and I think would be really educational for others!


    Betty Boop and HealingMe like this.
  3. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    That's awesome! I never finished the program either because my symptoms subsided and I began feeling good, too!

    Wishing you the best!
  4. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hooray! Good for you! Congrats! Thanks for telling us.
  5. ValkyrKai

    ValkyrKai Peer Supporter

    I just started week 5 of the SEP and I’ve noticed quite a change in my symptoms. The tools I’ve gained from doing the program and also just listening and learning from the people on this forum have been tremendous in helping retrain my brain from years of fearful thinking and anxiety, which I definitely believe to be the root cause of my TMS personally.
    I’d like to see it through to the end! I don’t see myself stopping the program before the end, even if I do start to feel 100% better because it’s already given me so much knowledge but I’m very happy for you that you feel confident that you have the skills and tools to move on!
    I’ve definitely been neglecting some parts of the program. Namely the journaling. I’ve been investigating why I’m so adverse to it. And trying to will myself to do it more often without pressuring myself in the process. I know that it’s likely my TMS that wants me to avoid it, which is why I haven’t just written it off.
    It also doesn’t help that my sympthave gotten so much better even while avoiding it. But I have a feeling in the back of my mind that it’s going to come down to me really journaling hard to fully eliminate my symptoms. Just because it’s the thing I’m avoiding the hardest lol.

    congratulations on your success!!
    Cactusflower, JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  6. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    GOOD for YOU! This is all FANTASTIC news!!! Exciting! I’m so glad you’re making progress. And also, it’s great that you realize you are resisting journaling. You might find you like it more than you think. I always feel lighter after doing it. But I also feel resistance a lot of the time. So glad: it’s working!
    AMarie and ValkyrKai like this.
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Haha, the essential TMS conundrum in a nutshell. After 13 years I still struggle with this. It always helps to remember how bad off I was 13 years ago :joyful:
    Diana-M and ValkyrKai like this.
  8. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I think Nichole Sachs (Journalspeak therapist) says the choice is between bad and worse. Journaling’s a pain, but TMS is worse. So she says to just buck up and do it.
    ValkyrKai and JanAtheCPA like this.

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