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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Lucyoneill, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Lucyoneill

    Lucyoneill New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I have a bunion on my foot (that doesn't cause me any pain at all). Currently I have hip pain and have been told because of my bunion I won't be walking/running with the correct biomechanics and this will impact my hip.

    Has anyone else been told this, not worn the I soles and been ok?


  2. Ludmilla

    Ludmilla Peer Supporter

    Hi Lucyoneill,

    Obviously I'm not a doctor, but my honest opinion about insoles in general are that they are unnecessary for most people, as the reasons for which they are prescribed tend to range under the TMS-umbrella. Now if your bunion is really big I suppose it could hurt at some point, but bunions are normal abnormalities.

    I don't have bunions but I've had insoles prescribed to me a few years ago, two times to be exact, and the second time by a doctor who was well-renowned as a specialist. He had this big machine (don't know the proper name) where you walk/run on and it takes an image of how your feet touch the ground. He apparently saw a big difference between the initial exam and after I've worn the insoles for some time, and thought I should feel better. I told him I felt no different, which was the truth (it was prescribed to me because of low back and knee pain). I've thrown away the insoles when I discovered TMS. Now I'm mostly pain-free in these areas, just some random pains in times of stress (still have a lot of work to do though as I have other symptoms).
  3. Mr Hip Guy

    Mr Hip Guy Well known member

    Wow, there is a current radio commercial for a company in my area "The Good Feet Store" and they are almost all similar in nature. Customer walks in, has been dealing with foot pain (whether it's bunions, plantar fasciitis, flat arches, etc) for years and years - and the store clerk fixes all of that in 10min with the correct insole.

    I call BS on all of that - the customer is being helped through the placebo effect, just like Sarno describes, and just like we've all experienced before whether it's chiropractors, actual MDs, massage therapists, etc. And the relief is almost always short-term, or at the very best TMS will find another area
  4. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    i do feel like a sensible shoe with good support and a soft insole is never a bad idea. but it shouldn’t be a basis for thinking it’s caused any real pain.
  5. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    My problem was foot pain, so slight tangent here.

    I was told many times that this or that was throwing off my gait and there'd be a bunch of other problems, like you're getting with the hip. In my experience the body is extremely adaptive, and doesn't generate pain elsewhere because of some kind of change in walking. But the physical therapists and body workers seem to believe this.

    I give myself "superfeet" insoles to "throw the dog a bone" after throwing away about $1000 bucks worth of prescribed insoles during my TMS confusion time. I do this so that my mind does not have something to attach pain to: You have good basic support, so no problem here.

    I also go without support a few days a month in order to teach myself that my feet are strong.

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