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Is it good to focus daily on healing?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by White Flower PR, May 16, 2024.

  1. White Flower PR

    White Flower PR New Member

    Hi. I am in day #13 of my recovery program. And i have found myself reading the website, books, sites, research on tms, for many hours a day. Maybe 4-5, hearing audio books, and doing mind exercises/ neuroplasty almosr hourly. Is it okey to do so? Am i trying to fast foward healing? Is this an ocd behavior? also, prior tms, i was living a fast life, i mean, thinking fast, working fast, speaking fast… and now i am trying to heal fast…. Is it normal? Advice pls
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    You are totally doing to much. Max 1 hr a day is plenty. Doing more reinforces there is something “wrong” and you are trying to “fix”.
    The aim is to learn skills you use in daily life. To do that you must go live life! Forcing, trying to fix etc. is another means of self pressure.
    You need to learn new habits, and I think you are aware of this. Rushing and speeding is anxiety driven.
    JanAtheCPA, Diana-M and Ellen like this.

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