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Is this really happening??!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Camarogirl, Feb 26, 2022.

  1. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    I’m on day 9 of the structured education program and I’ve been reading both books . John Sarno and Alan Gordon. I read everything I can get my hands on and I’ve also been doing gentle yoga . My pain has reduced so much , I would say I feel 80% better . I have had awful lower back pain for over 3 years, so I feel like a new person . I am still struggling with the thinking of , “I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and when will the pain return?! “
    I’m trying hard to push past those thoughts and keep sending myself messages of safety and positivity. Please tell me I have had a break through?!
  2. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Welcome and yes, you have had a breakthrough. It’s absolutely normal to feel uncertain about what will happen next. However, instead of worrying about it set your mind that whatever happens you will fight back even harder to regain your health and live your life to the fullest.
    Camarogirl likes this.
  3. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    Thank you , I think I needed to hear this from
    Someone that has walked this road .
  4. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    As I explain in this video, one of the mistakes that delay recovery is fear of pain.


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