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Day 1 It's all starting to make sense...

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by M180P, Oct 8, 2024.

  1. M180P

    M180P New Member

    My wife sent me a podcast episode about chronic pain with Alan as the guest and that kicked things off for me. I was skeptical in the first few minutes, but I was quickly intrigued and found myself relating to what Alan was saying. I listened to that episode a couple months ago, just before receiving a second steroid injection, which occurred after x-rays, an MRI, a spine specialist who sent me for an initial steroid injection, and then back to the spine specialist for further (and very uncomfortable) testing since I had no response to the injection. After that second injection, I again had no relief. He told me he didn't have any other tricks in his bag and that it was nice working with me.

    All of these attempts at relieving my pain came after over a year of physical therapy, which I started a year after initially telling my primary care doctor about my pain in 2022. I suspected it was piriformis syndrome, but imaging showed two mild disc bulges. I also have scoliosis. My pain feels like someone is driving an ice axe into my left glute and the pain radiates around my hip and down my leg. Over the past few years, I've had times where sitting for long periods makes it flare up and then times where standing for long periods causes the flare up. I've gotten a bit better and a lot worse. At one point, my left foot starting hurting all the time, then my wrists, then my right knee. The right knee pain actually was structural and resolved with physical therapy. I've also had flare ups of eczema, acne, and athlete's foot that coincide with flare ups of GERD. The list goes on.

    Over the summer, I did a three-night volunteer backpacking trail work party that consisted of hiking in with gear and tools and six to seven hours a day of moving rocks, sawing trees, and shoveling dirt. Imagine my surprise when I only had one slight twinge of pain that entire trip!

    I have a clinical social work background, so I know about the mind body connection, but learning about neuroplastic pain has taken that understanding to a new level. I'm starting to understand that, perhaps, my lifetime of anxiety coupled with some big stressors in the last few years, is the cause for most of my daily pain and discomfort.

    I'm looking forward to working through this program. I'm going to continue PT because, even if it doesn't relieve my pain, it is helping me in many other ways. But maybe, just maybe, there is hope for a future with less pain.
    Diana-M and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Welcome @M180P! Interesting that 180 is in your username, because as I was reading your post, I thought about how so many people we meet need to make a 180-degree shift in their thinking, but you're already well ahead of the game, which will serve you really well as you progress. Also, your awesome wife ;)

    Keep us posted - we're here to support you when needed, and to cheer you on when you experience successes!
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi! welcomea
    You know you have a mind-body issue from your long history and you know why! You have a 100 percent chance of getting free of this. This website is full of TMS warriors with great advice and great success stories. Everyone’s healing journey is a bit different. You’ll find your way. I have a feeling you’re going to do great!
    HealingMe likes this.

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