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Key points about narcissistic abuse and how to heal from it

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Diana-M, Aug 17, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    All forms of narcissistic abuse result from failure to feel empathy. They don’t care about how you feel. Failure of compassion is abuse.

    Acceptance of anger is not pleasant, but it is necessary for ending the abuse.

    Anger will guide you to decisions that are important to make.

    Hidden anger does not go away; it sits waiting for you to become strong enough to deal with the mistreatment.

    It is crucial to acknowledge your anger, or you will continue to accept behaviors that hurt you.

    You have the right and responsibility to feel and learn from your anger.

    Anger may be denied because you feel too guilty or afraid of it.

    Anger can give us strength and courage to stop abuse.

    Remember, you have to make changes because you are the one who has been made sick by the relationship.

    You cannot change a narcissist (or anyone) or be responsible for their insatiable needs.

    Your work is to believe in your ability to competently deal with feelings, solve problems, and take responsibility for your life.

    From this article:

    https://www.straighttalkcounseling....acknowledge,motivate an escape from purgatory.
    Ellen likes this.

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